How to teach a child to speak the letter "Sh"?

Almost all children who learn to speak, face certain difficulties when pronouncing sizzling letters. The most difficult of this group are the letters "Ж" and "Ш". In some cases, babies just skip these sounds, while in others they replace them with "T" or "C" sounds.

There are several ways to correct such violations in the speech of your son or daughter, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to undergo long-term treatment with a speech therapist. In this article, we will tell you how to teach a child to say "F" and "S" with simple exercises.

How to teach a child to correctly speak the letter "Sh"?

Every day with your baby, do the following simple exercises:

  1. "Cup". The child should place the tongue on the lower lip, and raise its edges and tip a little. Thus, there should be some kind of cup. After that, relax the muscles of the face and repeat the exercise. Do it as necessary as quickly as possible and at least 30 times in a row.
  2. "Chatterbox." To perform this exercise, it is also necessary to fold the tongue in the form of a cup and quickly lower it and raise it, keeping it in this position.
  3. "Pancake". Spread out the tongue on the lower lip, hold it for about 10 seconds and put the tongue in your mouth. Repeat this 20 times.
  4. "The horse." Toss the tongue, depicting how the horse gallops.

How to teach a child to speak the sound of "Sh" from other sounds?

It's enough just to teach the baby to correctly pronounce sibilant sounds, in particular, "Sh" and "F", if he already confidently says the sound of "T". Ask the crumb to say "T-c-s-c" and do it as long as possible. As soon as you hear a normal pronunciation, ask the child to hide his tongue behind his teeth. Thus, he will get the sound "Sh". You can fix the result if you ask the baby to sniff like a snake as often as possible.

Very rarely there is a situation when the child confidently says the sound "R", but loses the letter "Sh". Ask the crumb to whisper the sound of "P", so it will just get a long-awaited hissing sound.