Safety of children at home

Beginning with school age, the child gradually gets used to independence. He himself goes to school and from school, walks in the yard with friends, attends out-of-class classes and mugs, and sometimes he stays at home completely alone. At first, it happens due to necessity, when parents, say, are late at work. But the older the student becomes, the calmer it can be left at home alone. The main thing is that the child in the apartment is safe, not afraid to stay alone and knew some rules.

The safety of the children's home should be taught as early as possible, telling the child's available language about the rules of behavior at home and imposing bans on some independent actions.

Safety techniques for children can be presented as a set of rules related to:

Safety rules for staying at home for children

  1. Do not turn on the gas or electric stove yourself (if the child does not know how to cook or warm up food), heaters, iron, hair dryers, etc.
  2. Do not play with matches and lighters. It is desirable that these items in general were not available for the child left at home.
  3. Do not indulge in water, do not dial yourself a bath.
  4. In emergency situations (fire, earthquake, etc.), act according to the safety rules with which the child should already be familiar.
  5. Do not open the door to strangers, do not answer phone calls, that the apartment does not have adults. Parents should have their own keys to the house. In addition, the baby should know where his mom and dad are now and when they are about to return home.

The ideal solution is to give the child the task (reading, doing homework or housework) for the duration of their absence. You should take it to the maximum, so that he does not have time and the temptation to indulge. Returning, be sure to check how he completed the task and praise for good behavior.

Safety in the home for children is very important, because most accidents with children occur precisely in the absence of adults. Try not to leave preschool children unattended, and older children must learn how to act in this or that situation.