Articulatory gymnastics for preschoolers

The ability to reproduce sounds is available to every person from birth. Subsequently, children learn to add sounds to words. If there are problems with the accuracy of pronunciation of words, the articulatory gymnastics can help the child. On how to properly conduct with the child articulatory gymnastics and the meaning of it, we'll talk further.

What is articulatory gymnastics and what is it for?

Articulation exercises are exercises with the child, during which the sky, lips, tongue and facial muscles are involved. The main purpose of conducting classes in articulatory gymnastics is to teach the child the correct movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. The end result of long sessions is the correct pronunciation of sounds. Articulatory gymnastics plays a big role in the subsequent mastery of the child's written skills.

Types of articulatory gymnastics

Articulatory gymnastics can be conditionally divided into:

If the child can not independently perform the necessary movement by the organs of the articulatory apparatus, he should be helped. You can do this with a spatula, a clean finger or a spoon, correcting the lips or tongue as needed.

The exercises themselves are also divided into two types: static and dynamic. In dynamic tasks, the movement is performed throughout the execution time. Statistical suggest the fading of the lips or tongue in a certain position for 10 to 15 seconds.

Articulatory exercises for the youngest

To help the child learn the sounds of his mother can already from the first months of his life. Going for a walk or talking with the baby, the mother needs to do the simplest exercises, showing the child the difference between the sounds with the help of facial expressions. For example, you can say how to pronounce certain sounds animals. The movements of the lips and the tongue should be clear and pronounced. You can play various games in which the lips and tongue will be involved, for example, imagine that you are playing with the child on the pipe and at the same time pulling out the lips with a tube.

Classes in a play form are conducted with children up to 3-4 years, depending on how the child reproduces sounds. If speech at the child and after 4th years remains not accurate, it is recommended to show it to the speech therapist.

Nuances of articulatory gymnastics for children

The main requirement for carrying out articulatory gymnastics is systematic. Classes should be conducted every day.

Before you start directly to the exercises, the child needs to warm up for the lips. Exercises should not last longer than 15 minutes. In one day, you need to do several different exercises.

During the training the child should be in a sitting position. This will allow him to straighten his back and relax the muscles of his legs, fully focusing on the articulatory organs. The child should clearly see facial expressions and the articulation of an adult. Also, he must see his own lips and tongue at the time of the assignment. To do this, you can use a hand mirror or conduct a self-study at a large mirror.

All the exercises are better presented to the child in a game form, so that it is not very boring. Correctly to execute exercises the child, most likely, from the first time can not, therefore it is necessary to be reserved by patience.

Exercises for articulatory gymnastics for children

  1. "Thermometer". Ask the child to open his mouth wide and say: "jaaaarko", and then, with the most compressed lips, say: "hooolly."
  2. "Brush your teeth." Let the child, having parted lips, smiling as if, will hold the tongue on the inside of the lower, and then upper teeth, as if cleaning them.
  3. "Trumpet". Clenching your teeth, you must maximally stretch your lips forward, as if playing on the pipe.
  4. "We paint the roof." Wide-spreading his lips in a smile, not closing his teeth, we must lead the tip of the tongue across the sky.
  5. "Jump on a horse." Pull the lips with a tube with your tongue.
  6. "Turkey". A relaxed tongue quickly drives over the upper lip, imitating the sounds of a turkey.
  7. "Balloon". Ask the child to inflate and then blow off the cheeks.