AFP in pregnant women

The determination of the level of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) in pregnant women is mandatory. This method of laboratory research helps to exclude the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in a future child if they are suspected. In addition, the content of this substance in the blood also determines the presence of pathology of the neural tube in the fetus, which can adversely affect the development of internal organs and systems. To exclude such conditions, prenatal diagnosis is performed using AFP analysis.

What are the terms of this analysis and the norm?

The optimal time for the analysis of AFP in a normally occurring pregnancy is 12-20 weeks. Most often it is carried out at 14-15 weeks. For the study, blood is taken from the vein.

Thus, depending on the length of time the blood was taken from the pregnant woman, the concentration of AFP also depends. If the analysis was carried out at 13-15 weeks, the norm is considered to be a concentration of 15-60 U / ml, 15-19 weeks - 15-95 U / ml. The maximum value of AFP concentration is observed at week 32, - 100-250 units / ml. Thus, the level of AFP changes by weeks of pregnancy.

In what situations can there be an increase in AFP?

Many women, having learned that they have increased AFP in their current pregnancy, immediately panic. But do not do this. Far from always increasing the level of AFP in the blood indicates the presence of fetal pathology. This situation can be observed, for example, and with multiple pregnancies . In addition, the distortion of the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood can be caused by improper staging of the pregnancy, which is not uncommon in the case of a non-regular menstrual cycle.

However, an increase in AFP can also indicate a liver pathology, as well as a developmental disorder of the neural tube of the fetus.

In what cases is the AFP downgraded?

A decrease in the level of AFP in a pregnant woman indicates the presence of a chromosomal pathology, for example, Down's syndrome . But on the basis of AFP alone alone, it is usually impossible to establish pathology, and other methods of investigation such as ultrasound are used for this. It is this girl in pregnancy should not independently decipher the analysis of AFP and make premature conclusions.