How to get rid of worms at home?

Worms are parasitic worms, which, falling into the human body, cause damage to various organs and systems. Basically, they settle in the intestines, but some of them are able to penetrate into the lungs, liver, brain, etc. Worms not only cause mechanical damage to tissues, but also absorb valuable substances from the human body, creating their deficiency, secrete toxins that cause allergic reactions and affect the nervous system, etc. Undoubtedly, if worms are found, they should be disposed of as quickly as possible in order to prevent the development of severe consequences.

How to quickly get rid of worms and parasites at home?

If there are symptoms of infection with worms, consult a doctor and perform a diagnosis. As a rule, the excretion of worms is carried out at home using a medicamentous method, for which specific antihelminthic agents are prescribed. The list of such drugs includes the following drugs:

The type of preparation and its dosage are selected depending on the type of parasitic worms. Also in parallel can be prescribed antihistamines, laxatives and other medications. To completely get rid of worms may need several treatment courses. It should be taken into account that independent treatment in this case is highly undesirable and can cause serious side effects.

How to get rid of worms in 1 day?

Unfortunately, as if I did not want to get rid of worms quickly and permanently, it's very difficult to do it in one day, because even the most "strong" antihelminthic drugs have an efficiency of 90%. In addition, because worms in the human body are in three stages of development (adult parasites, larvae, eggs), not all drugs can simultaneously affect them all at once. Therefore, do not trust the advertised miracle products, whose manufacturers promise a quick result.

How can you get rid of worms folk methods?

There are many folk remedies for fighting worms, some of which are quite effective. Here are a few recipes.

Tansy is an effective remedy for worms, especially pinworms and ascarids.

The recipe for tansy


Preparation and use

Pour raw materials with boiling water and leave for 4 hours, well wrapped in a container. Take after straining one tablespoon three times-four times a day for a quarter of an hour before a meal. Duration of treatment is 3-5 days. After two weeks, the course should be repeated.

Garlic - a tool that has long been used to combat various types of parasites that live in the intestines. To get rid of worms with the help of garlic, you can use it both for drinking and enemas.

Recipe for cooking garlic infusion for ingestion


Preparation and use

Peeled and chopped garlic pour warm water and, wrapped, put it to infuse for 8-12 hours. Drink strained infusion on an empty stomach in the mornings for 5-7 days (whole portion at once).

There is another very effective cure for worms, which Vanga recommended.

Tincture of pumpkin and wormwood seeds


Preparation and use

Peel the pumpkin seeds, add wormwood and pour vodka. Put in a warm place for a couple of weeks. Strain the tincture and take twice a day for 30 minutes before meals for 14-21 days.