Combating rust on flowers of garden hydrangea

Hortensia garden is a charming plant that grows in many gardens of our area, pleasing us with its magnificent bloom. This shrub is very decorative due to its beautiful large inflorescences of delicate pastel shades.

But sometimes the hydrangea, like many other plants, is affected by fungal diseases. One of these diseases of garden hydrangea is rust, the symptoms of which are the appearance on the flowers, leaves and shoots of stains of a characteristic yellowish-orange, rusty hue. This occurs most often in cold and wet weather, as well as with excessive density of planting and an excess of nitrogen in the soil. As a result of damage to rust from hydrangeas, leaves wilt prematurely, growth increases, and in the absence of treatment, the plant may even die.

Methods of struggle and prevention of rust

It should be noted that hydrangea is affected by the fungus rather rarely compared to other garden bushes. But if this still happened, and you noticed rust spots on your plant, hurry to perform the necessary treatment. This will help prevent the spread of spores of rust fungus both to healthy parts of the hydrangea bush and to other plants in the garden.

Copper chloride is one of the most effective drugs. As practice shows, it is much better than the Bordeaux liquid, which leaves traces on the plant. To conduct hydrangea treatment, prepare a working solution (40 g of the drug per 10 liters of water), and spray the bush well. For one adult plant hydrangea leaves about 2 liters of solution.

Proved their effectiveness against rust and such drugs as Ordan, Topaz, Falcon. These fungicides have a systemic activity and do not allow rust pustules on the flowers of hydrangeas to spread throughout the bush.

As a prevention of rust, hydrangeas are usually sprayed with copper or iron sulfate. It is also necessary to monitor the placement of shrubs on the site - they should not be planted too heavily. If these rules are correctly observed, then due to the prevention, there will be no need to fight rust on the flowers of the garden hydrangea.