How to wash the tulle so that it becomes white?

Window decoration is a complex and delicate matter. Although the market is full of various fabrics, many all prefer tulle. Such curtains look airy, light, they do not interfere with filling the room with light. The cost of them was also always acceptable for an average citizen. In this article, we will touch on a slightly different topic, which deals with the issue of how to wash the tulle so that it is white. It turns out that with this case not all the housewives come out easily and smoothly.

How to properly wash white tulle - hand washing tulle

It is advisable not to throw the cloth into the water, but first shake it well to remove the dust that has not yet been eaten. Then take a warm (about 36 °) water and soak the material. Why can not I use boiling water? In high temperatures, tulle will become tougher and will become yellow! It is better to add some liquid salt to the liquid, which will soften the water. In an hour and a half, most of the mud will dissolve. Next you need to merge the dirty water and type a new one, adding a little bit of blue in it. We wash the tulle and give it time to dry it in the sun.

How to wash a white tulle in a typewriter?

This operation is carried out using a powder intended for delicate tissues. The very tulle is not just thrown into the drum, but placed in a bag for washing. As a substitute, you can use the simplest pillowcase. We set the sparing mode, excluding the spin of the fabric. We hang the wet tulle on the cornice and dry it.

Whitening Tulle

In the most difficult cases, simple methods of washing can not help. But the fabric is still quite usable and you want to save it. Here are ways to wash the dirty tulle so that it again becomes white and beautiful:

  1. Sometimes digestion helps. In a stainless saucepan, mix the powder and scraped soap. Pour water and plunge tulle there, pressing down the fabric, so that it completely immersed in the solution. We put on the stove, when the water boils, we shoot down the fire, and we put the cloth boiling for about an hour. Then the tulle needs to be rinsed, wrung out and dried.
  2. Whitening with greenery . This drug not only cauterizes wounds, but can help with bleaching. This method should be used at the last rinse. A lot to drip it into the water is not necessary, enough 10 or 15 droplets. The working solution should not be very green. We shake the solution with our hands, place our tulle there, which has acquired a bad yellowness, and weave cloth. Further, as always, we produce pressing and drying in the sun.
  3. Whitening with manganese . This is another household reagent, which is practically in any household. So, how to wash the tulle so that it becomes white, using the drug potassium permanganate. In the basin we pour water, then add there already diluted in the pot potassium permanganate. We try to make a solution of a rich pink hue. We soap the tulle with soap and put it into a basin. Then we do rinsing, pressing and drying.
  4. Bleaching tulles in a solution of ammonia . It will take not only ammonium hydroxide (a tablespoon), but peroxide (two tablespoons). All these preparations are mixed in a bucket of ordinary warm water, then we lower the yellowed tulle. We wash and dry the cloth. Usually yellowness disappears.
  5. Starch solution for bleaching . After a normal wash, if it does not help, you can use another old way. It is necessary to lower the tulle in water with starch (250 g of substance to a basin of water). The yellowness disappears, and the fabric itself will become better after drying to keep the shape.

By the way, tulle is of several kinds - organza , veil, mesh . Some of them are decorated with lace, others embroider a pattern, some matte fabrics, and others - almost transparent. It is clear that their characteristics are somewhat different. If the fresh air flow passes poorly through the organza, then a light mesh having a perforated structure practically does not interfere with airing the room. But according to the ability not to accumulate dust in the fibers, the net is much inferior to the veil and organza. That is why in the business, how to wash the tulle, so that it again becomes white, sometimes you need to use several methods of cleaning.