Grass Senna

The softest and safest laxative of natural origin is senna grass, or rather, preparations based on it. The plant is also called an Alexandrian leaf or cassia narrow-leaved.

Properties of Senna grass

Due to the content of antraglycosides, the plant has a pronounced laxative effect, which is caused by irritation of the receptors of the gastrointestinal mucosa and an increase in peristalsis in the large intestine.

Senna grass is very soft, and therefore found application even in the composition of drugs for children. A feature of laxatives based on this plant is the absence of pain in the form of fights in the navel, which often accompany the action of similar drugs against constipation.

Indications and Usage

Infusions from the plant are prescribed in case of problems with defecation. Indications for the use of such a laxative are hemorrhoidal formations or fissures of the anus. But mainly senna grass helps with constipation of a chronic nature.

With these disorders, as well as with spastic colitis, it is useful to take half a cup of infusion. The laxative effect occurs only after 6 to 8 hours, and therefore the medicine is taken before bedtime. In most cases, already on the second day, defecation becomes natural, and taking the drug ceases to be a necessity.

Infusion is prepared only on cold water (250 ml), which put a spoonful of grass and leave for a day, periodically mixing. If you pour raw materials with boiling water, in the abdomen may occur.

If you tinker with infusion laziness, you can buy senna grass in tablets, but note that before taking any medications from this plant, you need to consult a gastroenterologist, especially if there are abnormalities of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Senna herb for cleansing

Quite popular method of cleaning the intestine on a par with kefir diet or salt douching is cleansing just senna grass, only for this purpose resort to a longer reception of the decoction.

Preparing the preparation is similar, but instead of 250 ml of water, take 200 ml, and it should be hot, not cold. After adding a spoonful of dried grass or special pellets, the preparation is cooked in a water bath for about 20 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, it is filtered and drunk at night two hours after dinner. Until the morning there is nothing you can not. The first day, take 100 ml of the drug. The next morning, such side effects of senna grass as abdominal pain can manifest itself. They are advised to suffer, but if the laxative effect exceeds expectations, in the evening drink a little less decoction.

Such cleaning lasts a week, and every day the amount of the drug taken is increased - on the last day its volume should be 200 ml. This is due to the addiction of the body to the grass.

Such a procedure can be conducted no more than once in two months. It allows you to cleanse the intestines from stools, and the kidneys from sand and stones. During the cleansing period, it is useful to drink plenty of mineral water.

Grass Senna Slimming

You can use dry grass senna along with raisins, figs, dried apricots and prunes. Dried fruits (100 grams) are passed through a meat grinder, add 100 g of dry grass and the same amount of honey. This nutritious the mixture is taken within three weeks, with anything to eat after 18:00 is contraindicated.

be careful

Like any medicinal product, senna grass has contraindications. It can not be taken during lactation, as well as people with impaired liver and kidney function, ulcers, chronic diarrhea, inflammation of the intestine. Cleaning decoction from the plant is permissible only for patients older than 16 years. It is worth remembering that senna is addictive, because it is dangerous to "pamper" the intestine - the systematic reception of grass can cause constipation after its cancellation.