Herring under a fur coat - recipe

Herring under the fur coat - a well-known and loved by many salad. Traditionally it is prepared by laying out the ingredients on a flat dish. Now we will tell you how to prepare a herring under a fur coat on a festive table. It turns out delicious and unusually beautiful. Guests will be pleasantly surprised, and you will receive compliments and praise.

Recipe for herring in a fur coat by a roll



Vegetables individually boil until cooked, after which we cool. Concerning beets - it can also be baked in the oven, then it will come out more sweet and tasty. Herring clean, remove the bones and cut the fillet cubes. Grind the onion and combine it with herring. If desired, the onion can be marinated in a mixture of vinegar water in a ratio of 1: 1. Ready vegetables three on a medium grater. Eggs, boiled hard, also three on a grater. On the table we spread the food film, lay out the beet with an even layer, slightly add some salt and squeeze it a little. Next, lay out a layer of carrots, also salt, squeeze and cover with mayonnaise. We spread the potato layer from above, slightly compact it and lubricate with mayonnaise. Then comes the egg layer, smeared with mayonnaise. On it we lay out a strip of herring with onions and wrap it all in a neat piece of herring under a fur coat. We remove it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, so that it is infused.

Salad-roll herring under a fur coat



Pour gelatin with warm water and give it a good swell. Then mix the mass with mayonnaise. Beets, carrots and potatoes are separately cooked until ready. Then we cool the vegetables, clean and three on a grater. Cut the herring fillets with medium sized pieces. Vegetables individually laid out on plates and in each of them we add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, mixed with gelatin. On the working surface spread the food film and lay out the ingredients in layers, each following doing a little less than the previous one: beets, philadelphia cheese, potatoes and carrots. In the center we lay out pieces of herring. We fold the roll and remove it in the refrigerator for the night, then take it out and cut it into small pieces.