Cough syrup Dr. Mom

Such a medicine, like Dr. Mohm's cough syrup, is familiar to adults and children. It is quite actively advertised. Pediatricians and therapists often seek help. And this is explained by the fact that the medicine, in addition to effective action, has many other advantages.

Composition of syrup from cough Dr. Mom

Dr. Mom is a very good bronchodilator. Its effect begins almost immediately after administration. The accumulated sputum gradually liquefies, and the bronchi contract more intensively. Due to this, mucus leaves the body faster and recovery comes. In addition, the cough syrup Dr. Mom is able to exert an anti-inflammatory, local irritating and distracting effect.

At the heart of the composition of the drug are mostly natural ingredients, among which are levomenthol and dry extracts:

Thanks to all these components, Dr. Mom became a unique medicine - not only useful and effective, but also pleasant to the taste.

From what cough syrup treats Dr. Mom?

As a rule, it is prescribed for symptomatic treatment of chronic diseases developing in the respiratory tract. Since the medicine has the ability to dilute sputum, use Dr. Mohm syrup from a wet cough is not possible - only from dry.

Assign a medication for such diagnoses as:

Among other things, Dr. Mom can be used to eliminate dry cough of smokers. Sometimes the medicine is also used to control spasms caused by mechanical irritations of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.

How to take syrup from a dry cough Dr. Mom?

Usually it is recommended to drink syrup 5-10 ml three times a day. But depending on the individual characteristics of patients, the dosage may vary slightly.

The duration of treatment should be at least two to three weeks. In particularly difficult cases, therapy may be delayed or a repeat course will be required.

Analogues of cough syrup Dr. Mom

Since Dr. Mom is a natural medicine, he has few contraindications. And yet, like any medicine they are available:

  1. Do not give syrup to children under three years old.
  2. The remedy is categorically contraindicated to those who suffer from increased sensitivity to its individual constituents.
  3. With special care Dr. Mom should take diabetics and patients who adhere to the hypocaloric diet - the syrup contains sugar.

To avoid the appearance of possible side effects, it is better to find Doctor Moe an alternative. Due to the fact that there are many analogues of the medicine, it will not be difficult to do this. The most effective substitutes for syrup are: