Treatment of bronchitis in adults - drugs

Inflammation of bronchial mucous membranes often accompanies various infectious and allergic diseases. It is important to immediately begin to treat pathology, preventing its transition to a chronic form. Therefore, it is desirable that an experienced specialist perform bronchitis treatment in adults - drugs of some groups that patients tend to prescribe for themselves can damage and significantly worsen the condition.

Preparations for the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis in adults

The therapy of the disease in question must correspond to the cause of the inflammatory process and its clinical manifestations. As a rule, the complex scheme of treatment of bronchitis in adults involves the appointment of the following medicines:

1. Bronchodilators (means that extend the lumen of the bronchi):

2. Mucolytics:

3. Expectorants:

Also with the purpose of expanding the airways, diluting the accumulated mucus and its excretion to the outside through expectoration, natural remedies are used, for example, breast-feeding (№1-4), herb thyme, coltsfoot, licorice root.

Antimicrobials and antibiotics in the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults are usually not used. They are necessary in rare cases, when bacterial infection has joined and obstruction develops. But the selection of antimicrobial medicines should be performed only after sputum examination and precise determination of the causative agent of pathology, its sensitivity to the main groups of antibiotics:

A specific appointment for the therapy of obstruction is performed by a pulmonologist.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for bronchitis in adults

The presented type of medication refers to auxiliary means for the treatment of bronchi. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications help to cope with such symptoms of the disease as high fever, headache, eliminate signs of body intoxication. In addition, they relieve bronchial spasms, swelling of the mucous membranes, which facilitate the departure of phlegm.

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There are also drugs with this effect for inhalation in adults with bronchitis, but their effectiveness is questionable. By itself, the inhalation of steam does not contribute to recovery. The only thing the inhalation is useful for is the moistening of the mucous membranes. Therefore, sometimes this procedure can be carried out using saline or mineral water with the addition of essential oils containing herbal volatile substances.

Antiviral drugs for bronchitis in adults

This group of medicines has one feature - any antiviral medicines are effective only in the first two days with beginning of the disease. After 48 hours they are, unfortunately, ineffective.

In complex therapy of bronchitis, antiviral drugs such as:

The expediency of taking all these drugs must first be agreed with a specialist.