How to cook cocoa?

If you find it hard to wake up in the morning, then not only coffee will help. A cup of hot cocoa tones and cheers up, because cocoa is an excellent antidepressant. And it contains a lot of useful substances, vitamins and fatty acids, and is very nutritious. That's why cocoa is indispensable for children's breakfasts, and every mom just has to be able to cook it.

How to cook cocoa? This is one of the most popular queries in search engines regarding the recipe for a magical drink. In fact, cocoa is not worth cooking - you risk losing most of its beneficial properties. You just need to bring to a boil and pour over the cups. And if this is too easy for you - add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, decorate with whipped cream, marshmallow or grated chocolate (just not all at once!). Adults can experiment with rum or cognac, add cardamom or red hot pepper. Enjoy!

How to cook cocoa with milk?



Milk is sent to the stove (make sure not to run away!). At the same time, we mix cocoa powder with sugar in the cup, add a few spoons of warm milk and mix thoroughly, rub the lumps. Pour this mixture into the main milk and, stirring, bring to a boil. We pour the finished cocoa around the mugs. Even easier - brew the cocoa powder with boiling water and add the dry or condensed milk, to taste.

How to cook delicious cocoa?

In Indonesia, on the island of Bali, in the preparation of cocoa add ginger. Try it!



Warm up the milk with ginger before raising the foam. After removing from the fire, catch the ginger and pour mixed in a cup of cocoa with sugar (it is better to first dilute the mixture with a spoon of warm milk so that the lumps do not appear). All mixed and sprinkled with chocolate chips.

How to cook hot chocolate from cocoa powder?



Stirring, bring to the boil sour cream, add a piece of butter (it will give "hot chocolate" elasticity). With a thin trickle, stirring all the time, we pour a mixture of cocoa and sugar. Cook for a few minutes until the drink thickens. We remove from the fire. If desired, add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, decorate with whipped cream.

How to weld the glaze from cocoa?



Mix all the ingredients and heat it on a very small fire, or better - in a water bath. Continuously stir until the mass becomes homogeneous and thickens. Apply glaze on the cake you need to still warm.

How to cook cocoa without milk?

Not everyone loves cocoa because of the formation of "foam" on the surface, and someone does not tolerate milk in any form. But this is not a reason to give up the divine drink. Cocoa with a pinch of vanilla, you can even without sugar, just poured steep boiling water - the taste is not worse than a normal drink.

And everything, absolutely everything depends on the quality of cocoa powder. It should be 100%, with minimal processing and have a fat content! (indicated on the packaging) at least 20%. Then the Aztec version (only cocoa powder) will not disappoint you.



We put honey and cocoa in a cup, pour boiling water and stir until dissolved. This tonic drink is able to give you the joy of life even in the darkest February morning.