Cardio for fat burning

Experts agree that cardio training for fat burning is the most appropriate and suitable for weight loss way. You can do it at home, and at special training, and in the gym, and in the park, and even in the entrance of a multi-storey building.

Why do we need cardio training?

Due to intensive loads, it is possible to actively ventilate the lungs and enhance the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which allows us to disperse the metabolism. Moreover, after such training, according to experts, for several hours there are different processes in the body that contribute to weight loss due to splitting of fatty deposits.

Cardio - is a run (sprint or up the stairs), step aerobics, interval training in the gym. Any action that requires the body to give 100%, then a little rest and re-lay out 100% - this is cardio.

Short cardio every day helps to keep the figure in norm, and for the purpose of losing weight it is better to practice for 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week.

Cardio Slimming Home

The ideal cardio at home is jumping rope. Interact momentarily: first jump a minute at a furious pace, and then walk a minute. Training should take 15-20 minutes.

Cardio will be considered any action that you perform at a fast pace without stopping movement or with short respites. There is a Chinese gymnastics for weight loss, based on this rule. Every morning it takes only 4 minutes to perform any power exercise (for press, push-ups, squats, etc.) in such intervals: 20 seconds to actively perform - 10 seconds to rest. Such a short training will start metabolism and will effectively fight fat deposits.

Cardio for fat burning in the hall

If you want to hold cardio in the gym, you have several options. For example, use special cardio equipment, which already has a suitable program. Or to conduct interval training: for a minute to do without respite on each simulator, bypassing them all consistently. This is not very convenient in those days when the hall is crowded, but on weekdays it is very simple. This training is also called "circular". With experience, you can pass even 2-3 rounds in a row, and if there are not enough simulators in the hall, then it should be done just like that.

Pre and post cardio nutrition

For an hour 2 hours before such an intense load it is worth not to eat. It is best to drink a cup of fresh coffee, prepared without sugar and cream, 15 minutes before the workout. It has fat burning properties and will allow longer "do not run out".

After training, it is worth to drink plenty of water, especially thaw and do not have another 1.5 - 2 hours. This approach creates the body to split the fat that you have already accumulated, and not the one that comes with food. If you chose the power option, then for the restoration of the muscles, the rest of the day is to focus on protein foods - beef, chicken breast, dairy products (fat-free). For a side dish to meat - only not starchy vegetables (any cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, eggplant, zucchini).

To cardio brought you a faster result, give up the sweet, fatty, fried and floury. All products of this series clog the metabolism and contribute to the growth of fat deposits, so in the name of rapid weight loss is getting used to life without them. And if you do not return to them later, this will guarantee the preservation of the result.