Hysteria Symptoms

The functioning of a healthy organism is similar to a well-established mechanism. All our bodies work in accordance with the situation. We can control our behavior, keeping silent at the right time or, on the contrary, raising our voice. We experience excitement if we feel danger and remain calm at the moment when nothing threatens us. We motivate our actions and experience quite legitimate emotions.

The signs of hysteria break the habitual mechanism. Activity and excitement do not have an easily explicable reason. Similarly, it is impossible to explain why some organs are tense, while others, on the contrary, are relaxed. Today we will tell you what symptoms accompany the state of hysteria.

A bit of history

The concept of hysteria appeared in ancient times, and the word itself in Greek means "womb". The cause of hysteria in women (and the disease was attributed only to women) was considered nothing more than a wandering of the uterus. Especially the women in the Middle Ages - many patients were burnt on the bonfires, as possessed by demons (that's how the fit of hysteria was perceived). Even later, the disease began to be interpreted as the result of auto-suggestion.

Today, under the diagnosis of "hysteria" is meant a disease that is caused by a mental trauma that causes a subconscious desire to repeat a painful symptom.

Doctors note a certain pattern of hysterical reactions. The fact is that the symptom of hysteria is not so unreasonable, roughly speaking, it gives the patient the opportunity to escape from reality, or helps to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Signs of hysteria

In more severe cases, the following are possible:

It rarely happens that the symptoms of hysteria begin to appear in childhood. Usually they are noticed in 16-25 years. Sometimes the symptoms go away by themselves, without treatment, at a more mature age. But sometimes hysteria persists for many years. If the disease is started, then it gradually changes the character of the person. Female hysteria, as a rule, leads to selfishness, excessive irritability and unnatural, theatrical behavior. If the patient has these symptoms, then hysteria has passed into a chronic form and requires treatment.

How to treat hysteria?

Treatment of hysteria in women for a long time was barbarous - from ancient times until the 20th century, the removal of the "culprit" of the disease - the uterus - was practiced. Today doctors quite successfully apply various methods of psychotherapy, as well as hypnosis. Practice labor therapy, changing working conditions, everyday life and, often, sexual life. In addition, patients are prescribed various medications, tranquilizers and neuroleptics.

If you have witnessed a seizure, do not in any way deny the fact of illness. Wishes to "pull yourself together" can lead to a deterioration and a new bout of hysteria. Try to calm the patient, best of all - put him to bed and send all the "spectators". Give water, remove sources of bright light. Behave calmly and with restraint, and, if possible, consult a doctor.