Diarrhea and vomiting in the child

Temperature, vomiting, diarrhea in a child - all these phenomena can have a variety of reasons. If the symptoms of "diarrhea, nausea, vomiting" are observed in the baby at the same time, this may be a sign of a cold, a gastrointestinal infection , an intolerance to a particular meal, a reaction to antibiotics, reactions to a change in diet. Almost all mothers are frightened by such phenomena as temperature, vomiting and diarrhea, what to do and how to help the baby - this is described below.

If diarrhea and vomiting in the child are observed due to infection of the intestinal mucosa, the recovery will go very slowly, without the help of doctors it can hardly be dispensed with. The chair will be frequent, watery, with a mucus of green repulsive color, sometimes with bloody veins.

In addition, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea in a child can be accompanied by a general painful condition, pallor. Around the anus, most likely, there will be a reddish rash. The main danger is dehydration of the body, here are its signs in children:

  1. Rapid weight loss.
  2. Rare urination.
  3. Dryness in the mouth, absence of tears when crying, or a small number of them.
  4. Lethargy, weakness or, on the contrary, irritability.
  5. Fallen eyes, babies before year old - hollow fontanel.
  6. Urine is a dark yellow color.

If you observe even two or three such symptoms, do not hesitate, call a doctor. Seeking the help of a specialist should not hesitate if nausea, vomiting, diarrhea in a child does not disappear within twenty-four hours, despite the measures taken. If at least one of the symptoms occurs in a baby under one year, you need to call an ambulance right away.

Help in vomiting and diarrhea in a child

But, if the situation is not too dangerous, only a loose stool is observed, it can be helped with diarrhea and vomiting to the child and at home. First you need to find out the causes of vomiting and diarrhea. The changes you made in the last few days in the children's menu can cause such serious violations. Perhaps you transferred the crumb from the usual food to ordinary porridge, injected cow's milk, transferred it from a nursing home to baby food, introduced new products, gave too much juice? It will be enough to return the baby to the previous diet, to remove the product, which could cause diarrhea or vomiting, and everything is normalized.

If the son or daughter does not just have a loose stool, but also a fever, other signs of frustration, then before the arrival of the patient's doctor, one must drink, often and gradually, ordinary water. Infants can be poured water into the mouth with a teaspoon or drink from a bottle.

If the rash, diarrhea, vomiting in the child is poorly expressed, then you need to exclude from the diet of fatty, dairy products, juices, coarse food. If the diarrhea is strong and frequent (every hour or two), then you need to exclude any food, except breast milk, for 12-24 hours, depending on the condition. A baby can be given a regridron , it compensates for the loss of body mineral salts.

If there is only vomiting, then any food should also be excluded (except for mother's milk). You need to feed often and gradually. To water a baby with water or a rehydron you need one teaspoonful, every half hour. Older children can be given pieces of frozen fruit juice.

Until full recovery, you need to forget about cow's milk in the baby's menu, you can replace it with yoghurt, natural. During the normalization of all functions of the pediatric body, the pediatrician can prescribe a lactose-free diet on a soybean basis, this regimen can usually last from 1 to 6 weeks. Very often, as long as the intestinal activity is gradually returning to normal, lactose intolerance appears.