How to cook pumpkin honey?

Despite the medicinal properties of all varieties of honey, honey from a pumpkin is considered one of the most useful, but also delicious kinds of this natural delicacy. Along with the tremendous aroma and taste, the pumpkin honey also perfectly fights against colds and helps to cleanse the body, especially the liver, produces a strong diuretic effect.

Correctly selected or prepared product can be distinguished from marriage not only for a light pumpkin aftertaste, but also for color: it is bright orange, like the pulp of a ripe pumpkin in a cut, the consistency is very liquid, the product is completely transparent.

Find a real pumpkin honey on sale is quite difficult, the fact is that the pumpkin flowers do not have high honey production, and therefore all the expenses spent on obtaining the product hardly pay off at the output. We are going to tell you how to cook pumpkin honey with your own hands. To do this, you need a minimum of ingredients.

Recipe for Pumpkin Honey

For the name "pumpkin honey" in fact lies the recipe for pumpkin syrup, which is brewed on the basis of granulated sugar and pieces of pumpkin directly. There are several techniques for cooking such honey and we will start with the simplest and the most durable.

Before you can make pumpkin honey at home, you need to choose a whole small pumpkin, rinse it, dry it, and then make a small hole in the top of the fruit and extract the seeds and fibers through it. Pour the resulting cavity with sugar to the top. As for the choice of sugar, the cheapest, but least useful and tasty, will be honey made from ordinary white sugar, if you can get brown sugar, then definitely use it. Leave the fruit in a cool place for 10 days, during this time a large amount of juice will begin to emit from the pumpkin, which will dissolve the sugar crystals and give a thick pumpkin syrup at the outlet.

Pumpkin honey with sugar should be stored in a clean and dry jar, it will even be better to sterilize it before use, and from the remaining pumpkin pulp you can make candied fruits and use in other recipes for sweets.

How to make pumpkin honey - a recipe

This recipe is implemented in life much faster than the previous, in less than an hour on your table will be a jar of pumpkin delicacies. The only drawback is that from a large number of pumpkins, not so much honey is produced (about 200 g of honey with a pound of pulp), and therefore this technology is relevant precisely in the pumpkin season, when it is necessary to cope with the excess of the crop.



Cut off the pumpkin pulp residues of fibers and peel, cut it in small pieces and put in a saucepan. Pour the pumpkin with sugar and put it to the point where the fruit will let the juice go. Next, the container with the future honey put on the fire and cook for about 10 minutes, gradually decanting the syrup and pouring it out in another dish. When the juice ceases to stand out, put everything expressed on the fire and cook until thick.

How to store pumpkin honey?

Thanks to the abundance of granulated sugar, pumpkin honey can attract a large number of microorganisms leading to its damage, and therefore to the issue of storing the finished product should be taken seriously. An ideal storage option will be any sterilized and tightly closed glass container. Leave the honey for storage only in a cool place, the cellar is ideal, but the usual refrigerator compartment will also fit.