Magnetotherapy in gynecology

Medical clinics specializing in the treatment of gynecological diseases and wanting to establish themselves as good references should provide treatment in the list of their services through magnetotherapy. Magnet treatment has been successfully practiced in ancient times, and has not lost its relevance to this day, this method is being actively used in gynecology.

Magnet treatment in gynecology: basics and indications

The principle of the method is based on the influence of magnetic fields of high and low frequencies, with the help of which the correct polarity of cells is restored, blood circulation and work of enzyme systems are improved. As a result of the use of magnetotherapy, the protective properties of the body strengthen, the pain syndrome disappears, many diseases are cured, for example, in gynecology, indications can be:

In general, it is difficult to overestimate the positive effect of the use of magnetotherapy in gynecology, but this method also has its own contraindications: