Hormonal failure in women - symptoms, signs and best treatments

Hormonal failure in women, the symptoms, the signs of which appear after a certain time after its onset, often causes gynecological diseases. Consider this violation in more detail, let's name the reasons, signs of hormonal disorders in women, ways of elimination.

Endocrine system of a woman

The main departments of the endocrine system are considered to be the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Immediately, these parts of the brain regulate the processes of work of other endocrine glands, among which:

The state of the reproductive system is directly influenced by female hormones - estrogen and progesterone. These biological compounds are responsible for the processes of puberty in the adolescent period, an increase in the volume of the breast, the first menstruation. Immediately, this phenomenon is accompanied by the first hormonal leap that provokes hormonal failure in women, the symptoms of which appear in the woman's life several times (childbirth, menopause).

Causes of hormonal failure in women

The causes of the hormonal malfunction are so varied that often doctors find it difficult to single out a specific factor. In most cases, after carrying out complex diagnostics, the compatibility of several is revealed. Because of this, the causes that cause the hormonal system to work incorrectly are divided into several large groups:

  1. Organic damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system (brain trauma, encephalitis, brain tumors).
  2. Violation of the nervous system (frequent stressful situations, overstrain, mental disorders).
  3. Violation of the functioning of the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland (tumors, hypothyroidism , hyperthyroidism).
  4. The failure of the functioning of the liver is due to the fact that hormone metabolism occurs directly in this organ and its pathology provokes hormonal changes.
  5. Pathology of the kidneys - a violation of the withdrawal of metabolites adversely affects the concentration of hormones in the blood.
  6. Hereditary factor - plays a large role in the development of imbalances, often manifested in the climacteric period.
  7. Congenital pathologies of the endocrine system - manifested in the puberty period by delayed puberty, late onset of menstruation or their absence on the background of a changed hormonal background.

Hormonal failure after delivery

Hormonal failure after the birth of a baby - a frequent occurrence in newly mums. The reasons for such a violation can be many. In this case, the development of some women provokes independently, by their misconduct, disregard for the advice of doctors. In most cases, hormonal failure in the body occurs as a complication of the postpartum period, associated with the process of delivery. To cause hormonal failure in women, the symptoms, the signs of which will be listed below, may be the following factors:

Hormonal disorders with menopause

Hormonal failure in women of mature age is associated with the processes of extinction of the reproductive system. So the ovaries begin to produce less sex hormones. This negatively affects the processes in the reproductive system - menstrual flow becomes scarce, there may be no 1-2 cycles in a row. Simultaneously, a gradual atrophy of the genital organ occurs - the muscular structures lose their elasticity and are replaced by a connective tissue. As a result, the uterus itself decreases in size, there is a violation of the hormonal background in women whose symptoms are:

Diseases of the endocrine system

Violation of the hormonal background accompanies various diseases of the endocrine system. More often they are associated with the improper functioning of the thyroid gland. So when hypothyroidism, insufficient production of thyroid thyroxine, the concentration of estrogens in the blood also changes. This affects the condition of the woman, the functioning of the reproductive system. Frequent manifestations of such changes are:

Hormonal failure in women - symptoms

Hormonal failure does not develop at the same time, so the symptomatology appears gradually. As the pathological process progresses, manifestations become apparent, significantly alter the habitual way of life. Signs of hormonal failure in women are as follows:

  1. Unstable, non-regular menstrual flow. Violation of menstruation can have different manifestations. Often, women notice a sudden change in the volume of menstrual blood - a decrease in this indicator. Monthly become scarce, disappear for 1-2 cycles, occur earlier than the prescribed time, sometimes in the middle of the cycle.
  2. Failures in the functioning of the central nervous system. For this type of violation characterized by sharp changes in mood, the appearance of irritation, causeless quick temper, emotional instability. In addition, girls can note a decrease in intellectual abilities, which is temporary.
  3. Weight gain. Changes in the hormonal background inevitably affect weight. A lowered level of progesterone provokes fluid retention in the tissues. The lack of hormones T3 and T4 leads to a slowdown in metabolism, which causes fat deposition
  4. Decrease or total absence of sexual desire.
  5. Change the appearance of nails and hair. If the work of the hormonal system fails, the girls notice increased brittleness of the nail plates, hair loss, the tips of which are severely sliced.
  6. Change in skin condition. The skin often becomes shiny because of the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. On the surface there are pimples, a rash.
  7. Increased fatigue, sleep disturbance. Women notice a sudden weakness, even after a short work. Night sleep becomes short, insomnia develops.
  8. Violation of reproductive function. In some cases, hormonal failure in women, the symptoms, the signs of which are diverse, is revealed in a comprehensive survey on the cause of infertility (lack of conception for a year or more when planning pregnancy).

Acne with hormonal failure

Naming signs of hormonal failure, doctors often indicate a change in skin. This often affects the chest, face, back. Acne is formed in these areas. The use of cosmetics does not bring a lasting effect - the pimples disappear for a while and appear again. Because of such changes, many girls develop complexes that can develop into nervous disorders, as a result of constant experiences and stress.

Weight with hormonal failure

Suspecting a hormonal failure, the symptoms of which are indicated above, the first thing that women note is a sharp increase in body weight. In this case, external changes, such as abdominal growth, an increase in the volume of the hips may be absent. The weight of such girls is increased because of the violation of water-salt metabolism. Excess fluid is retained in the body, tissues become swollen. To normalize the body weight, women have to change their diet, adhere to certain rules.

Hair on the face of women

Immediately hormonal disorders cause the appearance of hair on the face of the girls. Such a symptomatology is observed with hyperaandrogenism - an increase in the level of androgens (male hormones) in the bloodstream. This can occur because of the disruption of the functioning of such anatomical structures as the ovaries and adrenal glands. These glands doctors examine first when establishing the cause of the appearance of hair on the face. With the elimination of the factor that provoked this manifestation of hormonal imbalance, the appearance of a woman acquires a natural appearance.

Hormonal failure - what to do?

Before treating hormonal failure, doctors conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, establishing the cause of the disorder. Often, its elimination leads to normalization of the hormonal background. The basis of therapy is hormonal drugs. They help maintain the concentration of the hormone at the required level, exclude the symptoms and manifestations of the disorder, ease the woman's well-being. In order to achieve the result, to exclude the hormonal imbalance, after suspecting the violation, the woman should:

  1. Visit the women's consultation.
  2. Go through a doctor-appointed examination, take tests.
  3. Follow the recommendations and appointments received.

Hormonal failure - what tests to hand over?

To identify the failure of the hormonal background in the early stages, even before the onset of clinical manifestations, physicians prescribe laboratory studies. At the same time, they are based on a blood test for hormones. Biological material is taken from the ulnar vein. Depending on which system the doctors are being examined, the following types of tests can be assigned:

1. Reproductive system. Establish the level of sex hormones:

2. Thyroid gland. Conduct the tests on the level:

These studies are the most common. They help to determine the general condition of the body, the endocrine system as a whole. If the indicators deviate from the established norms, additional hardware studies are carried out:

How to restore the hormonal background?

With such a violation, as a hormonal failure in women, treatment is selected individually, in accordance with the established cause. Therapeutic measures are carried out in two ways:

How to lose weight with hormonal failure?

Hormonal disorders in women are accompanied by an increase in body weight. Because of this, the question arises: how to reduce weight? Recommendations of nutritionists are the following:

Accent doctors advise to do on:

Pregnancy in case of hormonal failure

Violation of the hormonal background in women often becomes the reason for the absence of pregnancy. In this case, the disappearance of ovulatory processes, because of what the sex cell does not ripen. It also happens that problems arise after fertilization - a violation of implantation, pregnancy is interrupted for a very short time (lack of progesterone). Treatment is appointed depending on the cause of the disorder. To stimulate ovulatory processes use:

Lack of progesterone , causing hormonal failure in women, the symptoms, the signs of which are discussed in the article, make up for the prescription of drugs containing it: