Hydrangea - reproduction

Many gardeners want to decorate their garden with beautiful bright colors of hydrangeas. But not everyone knows how this flower reproduces. Let's find out what are the ways of planting, reproduction and care of hydrangeas garden , tree, and hydrangea in the room .

Methods of reproduction of hydrangeas

Reproduction of hydrangeas is carried out in several ways:

  1. Reproduction of hydrangeas by layers can be done both in spring and in autumn. To do this, a young branch from the outside of the bush should be bent to the ground, pinned it in a hole, the depth of which reaches 15 cm, and the end of the branch is tied to a peg. In that part of the branch that is in the hole, you need to make an oblique incision and insert a match into it: new roots will soon appear in this place. Now you can sprinkle the pinched sprout with earth and regularly water it. In order to better retain moisture in the hole, you can cover this place with a film. Over time, the layers will have roots that can be separated from the main bush and transplanted.
  2. Reproduction of hydrangea by bush division. The best time for such reproduction is spring. The hydrangea bush should be excavated and divided into several parts by a knife, and on each of them there must be buds of renewal. After immersing the roots in the growth stimulator, the plants are planted in the soil. After planting hydrangeas, it is very important to water them in time.
  3. Reproduction of hydrangea cuttings is carried out in the summer. From the bush it is necessary to cut off green annual cuttings of 10 cm or more in length. On the cuttings one must leave a pair of upper leaves with kidneys. The lower part of the cuttings for better rooting should be treated with a growth stimulant. The cuttings are planted under a slope in a mixture of sand turf ground and peat to a depth of about 5 cm. Two or three times a day cuttings should be sprayed with water. Depending on the air temperature, the rooting of the cuttings takes about a month.
  4. Reproduction of hydrangea cuttings in water at home. In this case, the cuttings are placed in water for 3 or 4 weeks, during which time the water must be changed regularly. When roots appeared 2-3 cm long, we plant Cuttings one by one in jars with soil mixture and drainage. Water the cuttings with standing water. Before the first frost, cuttings of hydrangeas should be kept on a glassed balcony or loggia, making sure that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on them. Keep the cuttings until spring is best in the cellar. During this time, you have to water the ground once in the pot. In the spring, you can expose a hydrangea for distillation.
  5. Reproduction of hydrangeas by seeds is possible, however, the matter is very troublesome and long. Small seeds of hydrangeas are sown in March without prior stratification.