Pelvioperitonitis in gynecology

Pelvic peritonitis is called inflammation of the peritoneum. In women, this condition develops as a result of purulent inflammation in the appendages, as well as in complications after abortions and childbirth.

The causes of pelvioperitonitis in gynecology are infectious agents that have passed from inflamed female organs to the peritoneal surface. This is an E. coli and other conditionally pathogenic microbes, gonococci, etc.

Symptoms of pelvioperitonitis

The acute course of peritonitis is characterized by pronounced and severe symptoms:

At this time, serious pathological processes occur inside the pelvis: the peritoneum turns red and swells, the serous exudate accumulates, which eventually becomes purulent and forms a hindlimb abscess; actively fibrin is developed, a soldering peritoneum with intestinal rings and an epiploon.

Pelvioperitonitis in its symptoms is similar to the signs of tubal pregnancy , torsion of the cyst and apoplexy of the ovary, appendicitis. Only the doctor can determine the exact localization of the purulent process, but any of these conditions requires urgent care and urgent placement of the patient in the hospital.

Treatment of pelvioperitonitis

If suspected of developing pelvioperitonitis, immediate hospitalization is necessary. The patient is placed in the gynecological ward, if during the collection of the anamnesis the following facts are clarified:

In other cases, the patient is sent to general surgery.

It is important to not take analgesics when symptoms of the disease appear, otherwise the diagnosis will be difficult to establish.

Treat gynecologic pelvioperitonitis with powerful antibiotics, as well as conduct measures to detoxify the body. A woman should observe a strict recumbency, apply cold on the lower abdomen and be in the hospital until she is fully recovered.