How much milk does a newborn feed for one feed?

Every young mother wants her baby to develop properly and eat enough. Therefore, one of the problems that worries all women is whether their child gorges on whether they have enough food.

The best option if the baby eats breast milk. In this case, he regulates the number of meals. If the mother feeds him on demand, it is not necessary to calculate how much milk the newborn is fed for one feeding. At one time he can eat more, in another less. In addition, the nutritional status of breast milk depends on what products a woman consumes. The amount of food required by a baby for one feeding can not be strictly regulated. It depends on the development of the child, his age and time of day.

How to understand that the child does not eat?

Pay attention to such signs:

  1. He is restless, often cries and asks for a breast, sucks for a long time.
  2. Poorly gaining weight - adds less than 100 grams per week.
  3. Look at how the baby goes to the toilet. Normally, he should write from 6 to 15 times a day and 1-3 times kakat. If less - then he does not have enough milk.

If the infant does not gorge on breastfeeding , do not rush to give him a lure, try to adjust lactation and learn how to properly put the baby to his chest. Experts believe that when breastfeeding, it is not necessary to accurately measure how many grams a newborn should be eaten per single feeding. He will determine how long to suck. Overfeed in this case, the child is impossible, and underfeed is corrected by more frequent attachments to the chest.

How many a newborn should eat for one feed?

The baby does not need much food for the first 2-3 days. He suffices those few drops of colostrum that he sucked after birth. This kind of breast milk is very nutritious and provides the baby with everything necessary.

On the third day after birth, the mother begins to produce normal milk and the infant can suck up to 40 milliliters at a time. The amount of food that a child needs increases the first time very quickly, increasing by a month to 100 milliliters.

If the baby is breastfed , then Mom needs to be more attentive to how much the baby eats. The most important thing in this case is not to overfeed. If he does not eat, you will see immediately: he will cry after feeding, constantly look for the lips of the nipple, it is difficult to gain weight and go to the toilet a little. And overfeeding can lead to obesity, metabolic disorders and digestive disorders. Therefore, it is important for moms to know exactly how many grams are required for each feeding of newborns. In order to calculate this, several factors are taken into account: the child's age, weight, and developmental features. Most often the calculation of the volume of milk is done depending on the age.

How to calculate how many grams a child needs for one meal?

To determine how much food you need in the first 10 days of life, you need to multiply the number of days by 10. It turns out that on the fifth day the baby should eat 50 milliliters at a time, on the sixth day - 60 and so on.

You can calculate the daily volume of feeding, depending on the weight of the baby. Children who at birth weighed less than 3200 grams, per day should eat milk by the formula: the number of days multiplied by 70. For example, on the fifth day such a kid should receive 350 milliliters of milk per day. For children with a higher body weight, the number of days should be multiplied by 80.

If the mother knows how much a newborn baby should eat for one feeding, she will not be nervous and worried that the baby is not full. It is necessary to observe the state and mood of the baby, and the amount of milk is a very individual concept, you do not need to strictly follow these rules and make the baby eat if he does not want to take the bottle if he has not already ate.