Hypericum oil - application

All medicinal plants contain special substances called phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the cells of the human body, especially skin cells. In folk medicine is very much appreciated the hunter's oil - the use of this product is not limited to dermatological diseases, with its help treat the pathology of digestion and the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment with mushroom oil

The described agent has a variety of medicinal properties. It perfectly heals burns, abrasions, wet wounds and ulcers, and is also able to cope with such skin problems:

In addition, the mantel oil produces the following effects:

Also the product is actively used in orthopedic practice.

Hypericum oil in the treatment of joints and vertebral disks

The mobility of the limbs and the spinal column depends on two fatkorov - a sufficient amount of synovial fluid and the absence of salt deposits. Hypericum oil, used for rubbing into diseased joints and zones of the spine, allows you to quickly remove excess calcium from the body, and restore the production of synovial grease.

The way of using the product is quite simple - you need to do a preliminary massage of the damaged areas and stretch the spinal column, gently pulling it from the sacrum to the tips of the toes. After this, you should rub clean oil until completely absorbed and rest under a warm blanket for about 20 minutes.

Hypericum oil at home

If you can not or do not want to buy the drug in the pharmacy, try to prepare it yourself:

  1. In a half-liter of sea-buckthorn (olive, corn, sunflower) oil add 150 g of dried St. John's wort flowers or the same number of tops of grass.
  2. Put the container in a water bath and boil the mixture for half an hour.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid, leave to infuse for 72 hours.
  4. Strain the oil, pour into a glass bowl (dark).