Is there an afterlife?

The question is, does the afterlife exist, people are worried about more than one century, but an exact answer to it has not been found so far. From time to time there are so-called various proofs, but in fact, whether there is an afterlife , it is impossible to say, since none of the arguments presented have received real confirmation.

We will talk about myths and facts of life after death today.

Is there an afterlife after death?

Most religions suggest that a person will have an unconditional belief in the afterlife, which is explained quite simply if there is a God, that is, a soul that is immortal, and therefore it can not disappear after the end of the earthly path. If we look at the question from the point of view of science, everything is not so unambiguous:

  1. First, there is no evidence of the existence of the soul. Not so long ago it was claimed that scientists managed to measure the weight of the soul, allegedly after fixing the lethal outcome, the body begins to weigh several grams less. But physiologists and doctors only grin at hearing such an argument, because they know that the cessation of certain vital processes just leads to the appearance of such a difference.
  2. Secondly, physicists and mathematicians unanimously affirm that our world has not been studied, and there is such a structure as an information field. To say exactly what kind of phenomenon it is and what its physical parameters are not yet possible, but some scientists are sure that this may be the same thing that in religion is called "God." Proceeding from this point of view, our soul is also some kind of information component that does not disappear after death, but passes into another form of existence.

Summarizing, it can be noted that if the afterlife can not be precisely stated, but the fact that both in religion and in the scientific world do not categorically deny the possibility of its presence, it is a fact.