Yarrow - medicinal properties

For sure, many saw a yarrow, but indifferently passed by. High grass with an abundance of small white, pink or yellow flowers is difficult not to notice even the city dweller. A characteristic feature of a flowering plant is a remarkable bitterish flavor. Nevertheless, the ordinary passer-by looks indifferently at glades, overgrown with high perennial grass, if he has no idea about the medicinal properties of the yarrow.

Therapeutic properties of the yarrow herb

In fact, even our ancestors were well aware of the amazing qualities of the plant. Modern science has confirmed that the yarrow has a set of components that allow it to be used to heal from various diseases.

In the plant were found tannides - tannins, which provide bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and astringent action. Vitamin K - improves the strength of the capillary network, increases the coagulability of blood, accelerates the regeneration of tissues. Vitamin A - reduces the dryness of the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne. In addition, the plant contains a lot of other substances that favorably affect the human body:

Thanks to them, the medicinal properties of the common yarrow are widely used in the presence of:

We can say that there is not a single sphere in medicine where the medicinal properties of a plant such as the yarrow are not used.

By the way, not every plant has high healing qualities. So, gardeners have been specially designed decorative varieties. The healing properties of this yarrow with bright yellow or red large flowers are significantly lower than those of wild relatives.

How to use the medicinal qualities of the plant?

Recipes of traditional medicine offer treatment with a yarrow with the help of decoctions, fresh juice, dried raw materials. From the plant, ointments are prepared, it is used for water procedures and compresses:

  1. So, in the treatment of diabetes, neuralgia or stomach ulcers, you can, in conjunction with drug therapy, drink a yarrow broth. It is better to use a fresh, moist mass. In a glass of boiling water boil the crushed greenery of the plant in the volume of a tablespoon. The liquid should be brought to a boil and, after removing from the fire, insist for about half an hour. The filtered broth is drunk three times a day for 100 ml.
  2. In the yarrow broth, you can moisten a clean napkin and apply it to the affected areas for diathesis, furunculosis, allergic reactions. If it is not possible to make compresses, it is recommended to purchase the chemist's oil of the plant and treat it with rashes, small wounds, flaking.
  3. Medicinal properties are also pink or white yarrow flowers. A handful of small flowers are ground into a gruel and mixed with melted unsalted fat until a thick enough consistency is obtained. Ointment is used for light injuries, as well as dermatological problems.

It is necessary to take into account the presence of possible contraindications. They include:

Yarrow contains a small amount of toxic substances. Unfortunately, with prolonged treatment, toxins are dripped, leading to poisoning. Therefore, the use of yarrow is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.