Banana cake - the most delicious recipes for desserts in the oven and without baking

Any tea or celebration will adequately complement the delicious banana cake, which can be arranged laconically or by connecting all your imagination and various culinary tricks. The main thing is that the decor harmoniously combined with the delicate taste and delicate aroma of tropical fruit.

Banana cake - recipe

For those who do not yet know how to make a banana cake, the selection below will help you decide on a suitable variation of the dessert. Tropical fruit can be a cream base or its filling, and cakes. In such a delicacy, it will be appropriate to use a cream based on cream, sour cream, condensed milk, but oil impregnations are prepared less often.

Chocolate banana cake

Chocolate lovers will especially like the chocolate-banana cake, the recipe of which is set out below. For baking cakes for the specified number of components, an oily split form with a volume of 20 centimeters is ideal.



  1. Beat eggs with salt, vanillin and a glass of sugar until fluffy.
  2. Add warm milk with coffee dissolved in it, butter.
  3. Intermix the loose components.
  4. Bake from the resulting mass of cakes, placing the form in a heated oven for 170 minutes for 50 minutes, and cut into three layers.
  5. Impregnate each whipped with sugar sour cream, complement with crowbars of fruit and pour the top of banana cake with glaze.

Banana cake without baking

A real find for busy housewives, those who do not have an oven or simply do not want to bother with baking will be a banana cake made from biscuits. It is made out of elementary elements, and the result exceeds all the boldest expectations




  1. Whip the sour cream with cottage cheese, adding raisins and nuts.
  2. Dunk cookies in coffee or tea, spread on a dish, cover with sour cream and curd mass and then lay out banana circles.
  3. Repeat the layers until the food runs out, cover the banana cake with the cream mixture from above and sprinkle with crumbs or nuts.

Banana cake with sour cream

Delicate and melting in your mouth will make a banana cake with sour cream according to this recipe. An unconventional decision to decorate dessert allows you to soak up biscuit pieces that are simultaneously alternating with tropical fruit, refreshing the taste of delicacies.



  1. In a whipped egg-based whipped with a glass of sugar of vanillin and a baking powder, the flour is mixed.
  2. Bake in a heated baking oven to 180 degrees, cool, cut into cubes.
  3. In the same manner, two bananas are shredded, and two more are ground with mugs.
  4. Whip the sour cream with vanillin and sugar, pour loose gelatin.
  5. Stir the biscuit, cream and bananas, put them in a form, spread them, decorate them with mugs of fruit and send them to the refrigerator shelf to freeze.
  6. Sprinkle the banana cake with coconut chips.

Cake "Banana Paradise"

Next, you will learn how to make a banana cake with a paradisiacal name and the same taste. In this case, the basic cake is made out of shortbread cookies, which simplifies and speeds up the process of making delicacies, but if desired, you can bake a chocolate biscuit for this purpose.



  1. Cookies are ground in a blender, mixed with butter, spread into a mold.
  2. The banana filling for the cake is made from yogurt and sliced ​​bananas and laid out on the cake.
  3. Whipped cream with sweet crystals and vanilla cream spread the next layer.
  4. Tear the product with cocoa powder.

Cottage cheese and banana cake

A simple banana cake made by implementing the formula set out below is not only tasty, but also useful. A piece of this dessert will not harm the figure, since it contains a moderate amount of calories (113 kcal per 100 g) and a balanced composition.



  1. Flakes are ground in a blender, mixed with spices.
  2. Add the mashed potatoes from a single banana, honey, baking powder and warm the mixture in a water bath, stirring, not bringing to a boil.
  3. Stir flakes into the hot base, cool it and clean it in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  4. Separate the dough into 4 parts, roll out each between two pieces of parchment and bake for 7 minutes in a warmed to 180 degree oven.
  5. Prepare the banana cream for the cake. For this bananas, cottage cheese, yogurt whisk, adding honey.
  6. Impregnated with cream oat ruddy layers.
  7. One layer is ground, the product is sprinkled and allowed to soak.

Banana cake with condensed milk

Sweet pancake banana cake at the same time will appease fans of pancakes and admirers of desserts with boiled condensed milk. The delicacy turns out to the best of sweet, nutritious, quickly and simply prepares. Implement the recipe under the force even for novice cooks.



  1. From milk, fat, eggs, sugar, salt, soda and flour mix the dough and bake pancakes.
  2. Beat together a mixer of cream, condensed milk and soft oil until fluffy.
  3. Promise pancakes with cream, spread on top mugs of bananas and make out a dessert, sprinkling it with nuts and poppy seeds.

Banana Biscuit Cake

One of the easiest solutions for making a banana cake is baking simple biscuit and soaking it with a suitable cream. The recommendations below can be taken as a basis for creating your own delicacy by adding other fruits or berries to the filling, as well as decorating the product at your discretion.



  1. From battered eggs and loose ingredients, they make a dough, bake a biscuit, cool and cut into three cakes.
  2. Prepare a banana cream for a biscuit cake, mixing whipped cream and condensed milk with ground bananas, and impregnate them with a biscuit.
  3. Decorate the product with mugs of bananas and give a little soak.

Banana Mousse Cake

Prepare banana mousse for a cake and add it with a simple base of dry crackers, you can get a surprisingly tasty dessert, in its characteristics is not inferior to even the most intricate sweets. You can decorate it simply with caramel or glaze, sprinkled with almond petals.



  1. Grind the crackers, mix with soft butter and honey and put them in a mold.
  2. Beat with cream and vanilla cream, introduce loose and cooled gelatin, mashed bananas in mashed potatoes and spread into the form from above.
  3. After solidifying the dessert in the fridge, water it with caramel or glaze, sprinkle with nuts.