Cervical length - norm

Not the least role in the ability of a woman to conceive and endure a baby is played by such an indicator as the norm of the length of the cervix. For many, the need to know such an intimate parameter arises only with any complications during pregnancy. Let's try to make out the question, what length of the cervix is ​​normal, and what should cause fear.

Short uterine neck

In principle, in every woman the length of the neck of the genital organ is the same, and it is equal to 3-4 centimeters. But when this indicator approaches the 2 cm mark, it is already about the inability of the neck to keep the fetus inside the uterus or the adult fruit that presses on the way out of the organ, thus revealing its way outward. This state of affairs may well lead to miscarriage or childbirth ahead of time. But, even if the child was born, then the mother is likely to recover from strong vaginal tears and the uterine neck for a long time.

Elongated cervix

Physicians managed to establish only a couple of reasons for lengthening the cervix. The first of them is that the woman already endured and gave birth to several children. And the second is a completely natural process of stretching and increasing the reproductive organs and pathways during pregnancy. During this period, the normal length of the cervix can well reach 48 millimeters, and it grows to a term of 29 weeks. After this period, when the uterus begins to prepare for the resolution of the burden, this indicator may even decrease.

If it is a question of pregnancy, the length of the closed part of the cervix for a period of up to 36 weeks should be no less than 3 centimeters. All these indicators are set on gynecological examination and with the help of ultrasound. Their reliability is extremely important, because it makes it possible to recreate a complete picture of the course of gestation. So, for example, if the length of the uterine neck does not reach 3 centimeters at 17-20 weeks, the diagnosis is " ismiko-cervical insufficiency ", threatening premature dropping of the child in the vagina and untimely birth.