The dimple on the chin

This phenomenon, like a dimple on the chin, occurs quite often. About these people often say: "God kissed." Some people consider this feature to be a disadvantage and try to get rid of it in every possible way, while others, on the contrary, tend to acquire it. Let's figure out what the dimple shows, and why it arises.

The dimple on the chin of women

The inhabitants of ancient China had the ability to foresee the future by their faces. They shared it with the female principle - the chin and the man's forehead. An unfavorable sign was a narrow chin, which adversely affects the fate of representatives of both sexes.

The modern treatment of facial features, called physiognomy, explains the presence of a dimple so. It was noticed that women with this peculiarity differ in resoluteness, stubbornness, striving for the goal. They, as a rule, do not stop on the way to a dream. Women with dimples are characterized by great willpower, as well as sharp mood swings. With it, it is rarely boring, since it is distinguished by unpredictability and completely incomprehensible actions.

Specialists in this field believe that the deeper the dimple on the chin, the more insistent the woman is. To achieve their goal, such people use cunning, ingenuity.

Why did the dimple appear on the chin?

Some experts believe that the cause of the dimple may be insufficient development of tissue, which is designed to connect the skin with bones. The appearance of dimples is characteristic of the junction of muscles with deep layers of skin on the chin, cheeks, and also on the elbows and back. Often they develop in places of accumulation of fat in the surface layers of the epidermis.

The dimple on the chin can be transmitted genetically, which in most cases explains its appearance even in adulthood.

How to remove a dimple on the chin?

Modern methods allow, how to get rid of this trait, and, on the contrary, help to find it. One such method is the contouring of the chin, consisting in the addition of the missing volume. The procedure does not completely remove the dimples, but it smooths the facial features, giving it a soft outline.

For those who do not dare to so dramatic changes in appearance, make-up artists recommend choosing the right type of make-up for themselves. The corrector will play an important role here. Clarifying the area itself, where the chin is concave, and applying a darker color near the fovea will help visually hide it. Enhance the effect of this makeup can have pronounced underlined eyes.