Influence of djufastone on the monthly

The indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system is a regular menstrual cycle. Normally it is 28 calendar days. Prolonged delays in menstruation or prolonged bleeding are most likely caused by a deficiency of the hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - progesterone. We will look at how Dufaston's and monthly intercourse is related.

Indications for the admission of Dufaston

One of the main indications for Dufaston is amenorrhea, which is caused by impaired ovarian function. Normally, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs, which consists in rupture of the mature ovary and the release of the egg from it. On the spot of the bursted follicle, a yellow body forms, which synthesizes progesterone. Under the influence of this hormone in the uterus, there are changes (growth of the endometrium), which contribute to the occurrence of pregnancy and prevent its interruption at an early stage.

Effect of Dufaston on monthly

Taking Dufaston in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the deficiency of hormones is compensated and the correct menstrual cycle is established. Therefore, menstruation with Duftaston should be regular, if the cause is correctly identified and treatment is prescribed. Many women want to know before the treatment: after the start of Dufaston's reception when the monthly will come? The most common scheme for taking Dufaston is 1 tablet 2 times a day (20 mg / day) from day 14 to day 25. Monthly should begin on day 28, but in practice occurs in different ways. If DuPhaston has started a month before the term, then perhaps this is the first reaction to taking the drug or the result of not properly chosen treatment tactics. It should be said that after Dufaston usually there are abundant periods. Do not be afraid if there were brown meager ones after Dufaston, this happens at the beginning of treatment, and then the menstrual cycle should be established.

It happens that women decide to take Dufaston on their own to fight amenorrhea. This is very wrong, because a thoughtless intervention in such a delicate mechanism as the endocrine system can lead to even greater violations and problems, which can be much more difficult to cope with. Sometimes, these women ask "Why do I drink Duphaston, but do not have monthly ones?". In fact, the delay in menstruation with self-administration of Dufaston may be the cause of pregnancy or improper self-medication. Therefore, with a delay in menstruation, in the first place, you need a pregnancy test.

Delay of the monthly after the cancellation of Dufaston

The main goal of Dufaston's treatment is the normalization of the menstrual cycle and, as a consequence, the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. If, after the cancellation of Dufaston, there are no monthly ones , then this is cause for concern. It is possible that the cause of the disturbed menstrual cycle in the defeat of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands. In this case, the woman needs a full examination: the determination of the level of hormones, ultrasound examination of the ovaries and adrenals. It is advisable to determine the level progesterone on the 21st and 23rd day of the cycle. A mandatory procedure is to measure the basal temperature in order to check the presence of ovulation.

There is a theory that Dufastone can be taken for a delay in menstruation. Sometimes it really causes a delay, but in most cases this leads to a breakdown in the endocrine system.

Thus, after examining the effect of Dufaston on the menstrual cycle, it can be concluded that only a reasonable use of it, taking into account all the features of the patient, will have a positive effect on the treatment. Independent uncontrolled reception will lead to hormonal failure.