Salad of turnip - the best recipes delicious delicious and healthy snacks

Delicious and useful diversify the daily menu will help salad turnips. You can fill a dish with almost any food, even the most bored recipe will be transformed with the addition of these spicy roots. Dishes will be very popular with those who adhere to proper nutrition or follow a lean menu.

What kind of salad can be made from turnips?

Before you determine with what combination turnip in a salad, the root must be properly selected and prepared. Applied in salads and roots, and leaves, although the latter should be young and juicy. For cooking in the off-season, they are pre-cooked by freezing.

  1. Tasty and useful salads from turnips are prepared on the basis of white or green root crops. Black roots are good after heat treatment.
  2. In the salad, turnips are added, grated on a grater, less often crushed with plates or cubes.
  3. To create a healthy snack, a turnip is combined with vegetables: carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  4. Interesting on the taste comes a turnip salad with garlic, dressed with mayonnaise.
  5. Based on meat ingredients or crab sticks, you get a hearty and original turnip salad.

Rape salad with mayonnaise

A delicious turnip salad with cheese, egg and dressed with mayonnaise does not require long preparation of ingredients, an appetizer is cooked in a hurry and will be an excellent accompaniment to a hearty home dinner. Hard cheese fits any available, if you do not want to use garlic, pepper snack. From these ingredients comes 4 servings.



  1. Grate on a thin grater turnips, add grated cheese.
  2. Enter the squeezed garlic and chopped egg.
  3. Season mayonnaise, tear the salad with turnip dill.

Salad with turnips and meat

Delicious and spicy salad of fresh turnips can be made more satisfying, complementing the composition with meat ingredients. In this recipe, the basis of a piquant taste is not root, but a fragrant dressing of grain mustard, olive oil and lemon juice. Meat is used chicken, before browning it to a golden crust.



  1. Mix the butter, juice and mustard.
  2. Cut the fillet into pieces until ready.
  3. Mix the grated turnips, carrots, feathers of red and chopped green onions.
  4. Add meat, cranberries, mix.
  5. Put into a serving dish and pour a salad of meat and turnip sauce.

Salad of turnips and beets

Salad from turnips - recipes, as a rule, do not differ rich and inaccessible to simple culinary composition. Roots are well combined with sweet carrots and beets, the taste of these snacks is more balanced. This recipe will delight the adherents of a healthy diet and those who adhere to the lean menu. This appetizer will surprise with its original serve.



  1. Beet and pumpkin boil individually or bake until soft.
  2. Using a special knife for thin cutting of products, grind the vegetables and apple with almost transparent slices.
  3. Mixing the butter with lemon juice, season salad, pouring vegetables on top.

Rice salad with tomatoes

Having learned how to prepare a turnip salad with a basic recipe, and having sampled simple snacks, you can confidently start experiments, combining interesting ingredients. An unusual, but very useful salad composition will appeal to all lovers of original food combinations. This recipe uses spinach and rucola, which enrich the simple taste of the dish.



  1. Cut the turnip thin slices, onion semirings, tomatoes in half.
  2. In a dish, mix all the ingredients, sprinkle chili, if necessary, salt.
  3. Pour olive oil and immediately serve a salad of tomatoes and turnips.

Turnip salad with carrots and garlic

Extremely useful salad of turnips and carrots, supplemented with garlic and cranberries, are cooked more often in the off-season. It will help to strengthen immunity, saturating the consumer with vitamins, because the products used in the recipe are used fresh. As a dressing can make oil, mayonnaise or yogurt. The number of ingredients is calculated on 2 portions.



  1. On a large grater, grate the carrots, turnips, garlic.
  2. Stir the grated products, put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  3. Enter the nuts, season with any sauce, serve immediately.

Salad with turnips and cabbage

Cabbage salad with turnips is an easy way to feed the household until the dinner is ready. A substantial and at the same time light snack will be pleasant even to those who do not like root crops. The bitterness of turnip is balanced by the sweetness of carrots and the neutral taste of cabbage. Bright colors of food will add greens and red rattunda.



  1. Cut the turnips with thin slices, rat-turds and onions with quarter-rings.
  2. To chop the pekinka, grate the carrots.
  3. Mix the ingredients, add greens, dress with sauce.

Salad with turnips with cucumber - recipe

It is difficult to prepare a salad of turnips and cucumber, which will surprise guests or home an interesting snack. This recipe disproves all boring recipes and will please the eaters with an unusual taste and satiety. To make the feed come out more original, use a vegetable peeler for cutting, chop the semi-transparent thickness and any shape.



  1. Thin slices cut the turnips, cucumbers and peppers, chop onion semirings.
  2. Optionally chop the eggs.
  3. Mix carefully the ingredients on the dish, pour Caesar, sprinkle with seeds.

Salad of turnips in Korean

A very spicy Korean salad made of turnip yellow or green, is prepared simply, the secret of the excellent taste lies in the sauce. A rich snack will surprise with a multifaceted taste, unlike any similar dish, its distinctive feature is the heat treatment of most ingredients.



  1. Separately, grate the carrots and turnips, cut onions and peppers with quarter rings. Champignons chopped plates, celery - a cube, squeeze the garlic through a press.
  2. With turnip juice, squeeze the juice in a saucepan in oil, add onion and garlic, fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Add the carrots, fry for another 1 minute.
  4. Introduce celery, peppers and mushrooms, burn for 5 minutes, remove from heat.
  5. Mix the soy sauce, vinegar, ginger and sugar.
  6. Cool the fried sauce with a sauce, sprinkle with a mixture of nuts and seeds.

Rape salad for the winter - recipe

Prepared salad from turnips for the winter, will allow to enjoy excellent piquant taste and in the off-season, when vitamins are sorely lacking. The appetizer can be preserved in such a way that the useful properties are not lost during processing, but the cans are stored for a long time, and the salad does not deteriorate during storage. The number of ingredients is calculated for 2 cans of 0.5 liters.



  1. Turn the turnips and carrots and cook until half cooked, chilled, cut into strips.
  2. Pepper blanch, cut in rough.
  3. Cut the onions into half rings, chop the garlic with the cube.
  4. Put sterilized jars of laurushka, pepper, vinegar.
  5. Lay the vegetable sliced, sprinkle salt and sugar, pour boiling water over the vegetables.
  6. Sterilize the workpiece 10 minutes, roll up.
  7. Put in heat, for slow cooling. A day later, put in the basement.