How to feed the fee?

Dachshund is a dog with a character, mobile, which means that it needs to be fed properly. Quality food at the same time gives energy and promotes the health of the pet. So, what to feed the dachshund and how to organize the whole process correctly for the animal and convenient for its owners?

Dry or natural food?

Hosts are divided into two groups: the first consider that the diet should consist of high-quality dry food, supplements and vitamins, but the latter - quite the contrary. Natural feeds, a diet made independently at your own discretion is, of course, good. But here everything depends on the knowledge of the man himself in what his dog needs. Eating from a human table is completely unacceptable!

For starters, it is worthwhile to ask the breeder what he feeds his dachshund and puppies, at first it is necessary to adhere to exactly this diet. Then, of course, you can gradually transfer the puppy to a mode that is closer to the new owner. The answer to the question, the better to feed the dachshund, is ambiguous, the options are mass. The only rule that should be strictly adhered to is a smooth transition. First a new feed is given as an additive, gradually changing the diet. Do not mix dry food and natural in one feeding, the transition should be done smoothly, gradually increasing the daily diet of a dose of permanent food.

How to properly pay the fee: dose

It is very important to observe a quantitative balance: an underfed dog will never be healthy and active, and overfed will become lazy, she will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies. How many times to feed the fee? Beginning at an early age, the animal must be taught to regimen. Up to three months, experts recommend dividing feeding at a rate of every four hours, you can take a break for a night's sleep, if the animal does not worry about skipping one feeding. At least 5 times a day - that's the correct calculation in a gentle puppy age.

After reaching the age of three months, you can switch to three meals a day, and from a year to two meals a day. Very rarely, the owners organize only one feeding per day, but this is not recommended by specialists. From the point of view of walks, everything is simple: the dachshund should be fed before going out, thus one of the important reflexes is developed, which then will help both the dog and the host. A normal healthy dachshund will eat, and then go for a walk and go to the toilet. How to feed the adult dachshund, its owner decides for himself, having already accumulated experience.

How can I feed the dachshund?

If the dog is on natural feeding, it can be given porridge with meat and vegetables, cottage cheese, fish. The food must be warm, but not hot, the temperature comfortable for each particular dog, the host calculates by experiment. Of course, the dog needs dairy products. It should be carefully monitored so that the itching does not appear, because it is the first sign of food allergy.

What can not be fed the dachshund?

Fatty grades of meat, smoked meat, spicy food - all this must necessarily be excluded from the diet of the dog. The remains of human food from the general table are also excluded: the dog is not a trash can, you have to remember this. Food for the dachshund does not need salt, the animal has enough natural salt, which is in many products. Do not pamper your pet and exotic foods, it can only cause an upset stomach, but the taste of the dog will not understand.

In general, it is not difficult to learn how to properly feed the dachshund, you just need to learn the basics and apply them in practice. Similarly, the size of the portion will line up, if the owner will closely monitor the condition of the pet. And certainly there is no correlation between the amount of food and the size of the dachshund, here, rather, the role of genes.