Two-sided adnexitis

Two-sided adnexitis is an inflammation of the ovaries on both sides. There are a number of infections that cause bilateral inflammation of the appendages. These include diseases transmitted through infection through sexual contacts (chlamydia, gonorrhea , mycoplasmosis). Initially, the inflammatory process can encompass the endometrium, and then move to the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Prolonged chronic inflammation leads to the development of adhesions in the organs of the small pelvis, which disrupts ovulation and leads to infertility. We will try to consider the signs of acute, subacute and chronic bilateral adnexitis, as well as the possibility of becoming pregnant with this disease.

Signs of bilateral adnexitis

The most common symptom is pain in the ileum, which is bilateral and symmetrical. Severity of pain depends on the nature of the inflammatory process. So, with acute adnexitis, the pain is very intense, causing the woman to take a forced position with legs bent at the knees to the abdomen. In the subacute and chronic process, the pain is less intense, drawing and aching, as before menstruation. Acute bilateral adnexitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, weakness, malaise and body aches. Another characteristic symptom of bilateral adnexitis is a disorder of the menstrual cycle.

Two-way adnexitis - can I get pregnant?

As we have already mentioned, with adnexitis, there is a disturbed menstrual cycle, which prevents ovulation. A chronic inflammatory process leads to the formation of adhesions in the small pelvis and on the ovaries, which makes it difficult to ovulate. Both of these facts confirm the cause of infertility in chronic adnexitis.

Thus, noting the symptoms characteristic of bilateral adnexitis, you should contact a gynecologist to start treatment as early as possible.