Tubular breast

This pathology of the development of the mammary glands, like the tubular breast, is a violation, in which there is a stretching of the hemispheres of the glandular tissue of the breast into tubes (tubulae). As is known, normally they are hemispherical in shape and spread along the entire pectoral muscle.

In the tubular form of the breast, asymmetry of the mammary glands is almost always observed. This phenomenon negatively affects the sexual life of the girl, because she develops a certain inferiority complex. We will tell you about the violation in detail, and we will try to find out: what to do to a girl who has a tubular breast and how to change her shape.

What are the causes of the formation of the tubular breast?

To begin with, it should be noted that this kind of anomaly is rare, - 1/50, i.е. Only one patient out of 50 who visits a doctor has this kind of disorder.

Despite the fact that such an anomaly was first recorded a few decades ago, it is still impossible to accurately determine its cause. It has been established only one thing: the formation of the tubular breast is genetically conditioned, and therefore almost always inherited.

The very mechanism of development of pathology reduces to the following. First, a defect in the connective tissue appears at the base of the mammary glands, an excessive density of the site is noted. At a time when the formation of breasts in girls, these connective tissue cells form a structure that looks very much like a case. As a result, there is a restriction of uniform development of the gland in all directions, and the growth of glandular tissue is possible exclusively in the direction of the nipple.

What are the degrees of such violations?

Depending on the severity of glandular tissue deficiency and breach of the proportions of the breast, the following degrees of impairment are distinguished:

  1. 1 degree - is characterized by minor deviations from the normal shape of the breast. Deficiency of glandular tissue is noted in the lower and inner zones of the gland. As a result, the breast itself rises slightly upward, and the nipple goes down.
  2. 2 degree develops with a lack of glandular tissue in the lower and lateral parts of the chest. In this case, the gland is considerably displaced downwards, the nipple flattened, and the area of ​​the areola increases.
  3. At 3 degrees of the tubular breast, the deficiency of glandular tissue is noted throughout its circumference. A small base leads to the fact that the gland is stretched, the nipple is even more flattened, and the areola is strongly stretched.

How is the correction of the tubular chest?

The only method is surgical intervention. Tubular breast mammoplasty is performed today in almost every center of plastic surgery.

The operation is performed exclusively under general anesthesia. On the border, the areola is cut for access to the nasal space, which makes it possible to completely hide postoperative scars. The tactic of conducting the operation itself depends on the degree of violation and is usually reduced to the following:

It is also worth noting that, unlike the usual breast enlargement due to the implant, the correction of the tubular breast does not do without the escalating of the ligamentous apparatus. Since it is almost impossible to do this, surgeons conduct a dissection and redistribution of ligaments by dissecting glandular and adipose tissue.

Thus, it must be said that virtually every woman with a tubular breast, knowing how men relate to this type of pathology, wants to get rid of such a violation as soon as possible and carry out such an operation.