Ingalipt for children

The health of the child is the main thing for him and his parents, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to save his child from illness. Particularly "popular" among children of different ages is colds: ice water from thirst in the summer heat, taste of snow in winter, wet feet in such attractive puddles in spring and autumn - and it's ready! Sore throat, runny nose, cough, rising temperature is something small that can bother the child after such innocent pranks. Alert parents immediately lead the child to see a doctor, who appoints the child a course of treatment with various medications. Most often from sore throats, pediatricians prescribe an inhalipt for children.

Application of an inhalipt

This medicine very effectively relieves of various problems with the throat with local effect, and also its price is extremely pleasing to the parents. It is used mainly for the treatment of angina, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. A spray for the throat of an inhalipt is very convenient to use: a special nozzle comes in the kit with the drug, the tip of which is injected into the baby's mouth and the medicine is sprayed for 2 seconds. It is very important to know that before using this drug, you should ask the baby to rinse the neck with boiled water. And do not forget: you can water the throat of a child with an inhaliptus no more than five times a day.

Age restrictions

Although this drug is very popular among pediatricians, many parents, after reading reviews on the network, still doubt whether Ingalipt can be given to children. Strictly speaking, the decision to treat your child is still for the moms and daddies of the kids, the doctor can only give advice after an adequate diagnosis of the disease of the crumbs. One thing is for sure: the use of inhalipt is not recommended for children up to a year. According to various experts in this field, all sprays and aerosols for babies under the age of three are dangerous. All because of the crumbs due to the splashing of the drug can happen spasm of the larynx, which will entail stopping breathing. Do not risk the life of the baby, because there are alternative ways of treatment.

The effect of the drug and its contraindications

Issue inhalipt in two forms - aerosol and spray for children. They have the same effect: killing the bacteria that caused the disease, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and also coughs well. The use of inhalipt for children rarely causes any side effects. There are rare cases of nausea and vomiting, but this happens if a part of the drug has got into the baby's stomach. Be sure to explain to your child that in no case can you swallow a medicine.

In addition, the Ingalipt has a number of contraindications. First of all, as mentioned above, this age limit, the second is the individual intolerance of any components of the drug. Ingalipt spray, as well as aerosol, has the following composition:

It is worth remembering the essential oils that are in the composition of the parents of allergic children, very often they cause various unpleasant reactions of the baby's body, for example, redness and rash.

You can talk for a long time about the pros and cons of the inhalipt, but the decision to use this medicine can only be taken by the child's parents. Weigh all the pros and cons, taking into account the individual characteristics of your child, consult with specialists and make the right choice. Health to you and your kids!