Smear during pregnancy

A smear for the determination of flora during pregnancy is conducted with the purpose of diagnosing disorders at an early stage. It is mandatory for the first time it is carried out at the time of the woman's registration for pregnancy in the women's consultation.

What is the smear during pregnancy?

This issue is especially often heard from those women who are in anticipation of the birth of the firstborn.

The purpose of this kind of research is to diagnose vaginal infections. The thing is that with their presence in the body of a future mother, there is a risk of developing spontaneous abortion. In addition, in the absence of measures in the presence of pathogenic microflora, a pregnant woman may develop a so-called intrauterine infection of the infant, which in some cases may result in his death.

Infection of the skin of the baby can occur and directly in the process of his birth. That is why, in view of the causes described above, a smear is administered for bacterial culture during pregnancy.

How is the research conducted?

If we talk about how many times a smear is taken during pregnancy, then this procedure is carried out at least 2 times: the first - when registering, and the second - usually at 30 weeks.

The material is taken in the gynecological chair. After that, the lab technician carries out the sowing of the samples taken to the nutrient media, after a few days the evaluation is carried out.

How are the results evaluated?

The interpretation of the data obtained after a smear on a flora during pregnancy is performed exclusively by a doctor. This determines the degree of purity of the vagina, which is estimated in degrees:

  1. At the first degree, in the smear pathogenic microorganisms are absent. The laboratory assistant finds out exclusively sticks, in a small amount of epithelial cells, single leukocytes.
  2. The second degree is characterized by the presence of single gram-negative bacteria, which belong to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. At the third degree, the pathogenic bacteria are in a larger quantity than the fermented bacteria.
  4. The fourth degree is observed, when in the flora of the vagina there are exclusively pathogenic bacteria along with leukocytes.

As the degrees of purity change, the vaginal environment changes from acidic to alkaline.

Thus, in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in a smear, a woman is prescribed antibacterial agents that help normalize the flora and prevent the development of the disease.