Lacunar angina in children

In this article we will consider what are the most common causes of this disease, how long lacunar tonsillitis lasts, how to treat it and what complications can develop against its background.

Angina in children is a fairly common disease. To date, purulent angina lacunar type occupies one of the first places in terms of prevalence. As a rule, the upper parts of the respiratory tract, tonsils in the region of lacunae are affected mainly. In case the tonsils are healthy, the sore throat will be localized in the throat, but if the tonsils are not (they were removed earlier) or they have structural disorders, a serious complication, such as pneumonia, is likely to develop for a short period of time.

Lacunar angina is caused, usually, by such causes: contact with the diseased, infection by airborne droplets or even the use of infected foods against the background of susceptibility to infection. The disease develops quickly enough, literally within a couple of hours and the diagnosis, due to pronounced symptoms, is not particularly difficult.

Lacunar angina in children: symptoms

The main symptoms of lacunar angina in children are:

Lacunar angina in children: treatment

Lacunar angina is characterized by a short incubation period, the disease can develop in a few hours. In the absence of adequate and timely medical care, it is possible to develop toxic shock, seizures. In rare cases, the development of a false croup is possible, since the affected tonsil increases in size and can block the airways, making breathing difficult.

When prescribing treatment, it is important to distinguish angina from other infectious diseases, for example, it is not uncommon for a smear from mouth to show the presence of diphtheria infection.

The standard regimen for the treatment of lacunar angina necessarily includes antibiotics. But the choice of the drug, the dose and duration of treatment should be selected only by a specialist on the basis of the results of bacteriological research, and will be different depending on the age, weight and health of the patient. As a rule, before the start of treatment, the sensitivity of the bacteria to different groups of antibacterial drugs is checked. Self-treatment without resorting to a doctor is unacceptable. The consequences of lacunar angina can be more than serious, up to disability and even the death of a child. Lacunar angina can lead to complications such as heart defects, rheumatism. In the absence of treatment, the body in the body itself will cope with its manifestations within a week, but in this case the child will always remain a carrier of staphylococcal infection, starts to constantly suffer from various forms of angina.

The general scheme of treatment:

There are also folk methods of treatment, but it is not worth applying as an independent treatment.

The most popular of them are:

As with most infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, the patient is shown bed rest, copious drinking, gargling with herbal decoctions and soda solution.