Treatment of scarlet fever in children

Children very quickly and easily pick up various sores, especially transmitted by airborne droplets. Scarlet fever is one of these ailments, which is quite a terrible disease. If you do not treat the scarlet fever in children with all seriousness, the consequences can be the most deplorable.

How to treat scarlet fever in children?

Most often, this disease is treated at home, with complete isolation and bed rest. The exception will be only severe cases, and, the presence under one roof of the diseased other children who have not been sick before this nasty sore. The aching baby will have to lie in bed for at least a week. In the treatment of scarlet fever in children, the main role will be played by antibiotics, which the doctor must choose, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Scarlet fever does not like penicillin, so he and his cousins ​​are considered the most effective drugs. And, in those cases when the child has an allergy to penicillin, erythromycin is involved in the fight against the disease.

Of course, antibiotics alone do not do. In addition, they use antihistamines (against allergies), calcium and vitamin C.

It is necessary to rinse the neck as often as possible. For these purposes, it is suitable:

Diet for scarlet fever in children

Because of the inflamed neck, the food for scarlet fever in children should also be special. Here are the main recommendations.

  1. All the food that is prepared for the baby should be liquid or well-washed, well, and of course, thoroughly cooked. Preference is given to low-fat soups, including dairy.
  2. You can not anything burning hot or cold, food should be warm. Feed your baby in small portions, 5-6 times a day.
  3. Drink sick child should be as often as possible - because the liquid helps to remove toxins from the body. It can be anything: milk, jelly, kefir, compotes and teas. Do not forget also about natural berry and fruit juices and fruit drinks, because a small organism needs vitamins as never before.
  4. This item should not become something new for you, but we will repeat: during the treatment of scarlet fever, it is necessary to introduce a restriction on what is commonly called "heavy food" (spicy, fatty, salty, sweet).
  5. After the first painful symptoms of the disease have passed, you can gradually return to the usual diet for the child.