Syrup of dog rose for children

For sure, many remember how sweet and tasty was the rose hip syrup for children. His doctors prescribed often sick children to strengthen immunity, and grandmothers still believe that the prevention of syrup does not hurt. Even from pediatricians, you can hear recommendations on the use of rose hips. But most doctors are unanimous: they can not give their children, and the instructions for the drug say "from the age of 12".

A few years ago, rose hips syrup was considered an excellent preparation that allowed treating various diseases, as well as their prevention. Most modern moms do not know what good syrup of dog rose and the rules for its use. In addition to stimulating the robots of the immune system, this syrup promotes the excretion of bile, improves blood circulation in the brain. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C. This is why the syrup is considered an elixir, which can fight viruses and colds. The concentration of this vitamin helps the body to acclimatize more quickly, increases its efficiency, restores its strength under stresses, and replenishes the lack of valuable substances.

Preparation of rose hip syrup

Briefly on how to prepare syrup from rose hips: the cleared fruits are poured with water heated to 80 degrees and insisted for at least five hours, then the softened fruits are rubbed through a sieve. The mixture is added sugar (one kilogram per liter of grated fruit) and a little citric acid. The finished syrup is clogged in bottles, it is sterilized for 10-15 minutes and stored in the refrigerator. The exact answer about how to drink rose hip syrup, in what proportion it is diluted with water, does not exist. The only warning given in the annotation is age: up to 12 years, the use of rose hip syrup is not recommended.

Syrup of hips and allergies

Rosehip is a fairly strong allergen, so before using the syrup, you should make sure that the baby's allergies are absent in the dog rose. It is not difficult to verify this. Give the child a few drops and watch the skin. If there is no rash, no itching, no other signs of allergy, then start taking the syrup is from a quarter teaspoon. Until the age of six, pediatricians are advised to use a teaspoonful, and then increase the dose to a dessert one.

Today in pharmacies syrups are sold with a variety of flavoring and vitamin supplements, but they have nothing to do with natural rose hips syrup. Such drugs are synthetic and the child's health benefits will not come.