Installation of socle siding

The socle is one of the most vulnerable places of the private house and needs special protection from moisture and cold. Therefore, when carrying out repair work, particular importance is not only the material for its construction, but also the method of facing.

To date, the finish of the house socle siding has acquired a considerable popularity among private house owners. The reason for this was the special characteristics of this facing material, which include:

In addition, the socle siding provides the building with a magnificent appearance and is able to solve any design problems. After all, the types of socle siding differ not only in color, but also in texture. The plinth panels successfully imitate such natural finishing materials as bricks , wood, stone , etc.

Another distinguishing feature of a socle siding is the possibility of installing it yourself without involving specialists. This will save not only on the purchase of finishing material, but also on its installation.

The technology of mounting the socle siding

Installation of siding panels requires only a clear sequence of actions, which can be conditionally divided into stages:

  1. Preparing for installation: leveling the surface of the wall, installing a crate.
  2. Fastening of the starting plate.
  3. Mounting of corner elements.
  4. Mounting panels in the direction of the bottom-up and left-to-right.
  5. Installation of the plinth of the plinth.

As a result of simple enough actions, you get an excellent facade of the house, which has excellent functional characteristics, at minimal cost.