Brick in the interior

Since the middle of the twentieth century, the presence of bricks in the interior of the room has become fashionable. And not in vain, because the brick is an environmentally friendly material and can make the house or office original and unrepeatable. At the same time, the brick during the manufacturing process is heat treated, so the appearance of fungus or mold is excluded, which is very convenient.

Processing of natural brick walls

Now very rarely there is such a phenomenon, but still sometimes during repairs under old wallpaper you can find a wonderful brick wall. The old brick in the interior can be the main accent.

In order to discover the true beauty of the masonry, the bricks need to be processed. With proper processing, the wall retains its original appearance, and even after decades it will look perfect.

If the masonry is not in a bad condition, then it should just be well cleaned of the old coating. You can leave it in this state, but you can cover it with varnish for reliability. If desired, it is possible to paint the wall with a special paint for interior work.

How to create a brickwork in the interior?

  1. The simplest and natural option is a real brick wall. Above we considered one way of its appearance. The second way is more expensive - buying an apartment in a new building or building a new brick house. In this case, the wall should be cleaned of construction dust and, if desired, covered with varnish or paint.
  2. The second option is the least expensive. You can paste a wall or part of the wall with wallpaper, simulating brickwork. But in this way there is one snag - often, it is not easy to find suitable wallpaper for a brick.
  3. The next option - facing brick. This decorative brick in the interior is more profitable than natural, as it "takes" less space at the premises due to its small thickness.
  4. And the last way of appearance of a brick in the interior of the apartment is laying the tiles under the brick. Tiles are laid on a perfectly flat surface.

The color of the artificial brick in the interior can be anything. When using tiles or facing bricks, a huge variety of colors, textures and patterns opens up. Natural material can also be painted in any color, but many prefer to leave it in its original form, because the red brick in the interior is still in fashion. Also, white brick is often found in the interior.

Why use an interior brick?

Let's consider what functions brick can perform in the interior. From it you can do:

One of the most common uses of bricks is the decoration of fireplaces, because this material can withstand large temperature changes. Simulating a brick in the interior is always an original and refined solution. Brick gives the house a special comfort and reliability.