How to brew and how to drink a dogrose?

Valuable properties of dogrose allow it to be used as an auxiliary or basic remedy for treating a variety of diseases. The fruits of this prickly bush have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, help fight anemia , normalize blood pressure and promote better bone growth in fractures. The lion's share of vitamins contained in the fruit of rosehips relieves beriberi, increases immunity, and also contributes to a speedy recovery in ARVI and other colds.

Diuretic properties of dogrose have long been used to treat diseases of the urinary system, purification of the kidneys, as well as the removal of toxins and harmful metabolites. In addition, the use of dog rose stimulates the work of all organs, speeds up metabolic processes, which generally has a beneficial effect on the work of all body systems.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the dog rose, it is necessary to learn how to brew and drink properly. We are going to help you in this and tell you about all the subtleties of preparing the infusion and its use.

How to brew a dogrose to drink to save vitamins?

The maximum concentration of valuable hips in the infusion is achieved not immediately, but after a few hours of staying in the hot water of constant temperature. You can, of course, just boil the dogrose for an hour or a little more (if the fruits are dried). But in this case, some vitamins die due to too high temperatures. The ideal option for brewing rosehips and preserving its properties is the use of thermos. Fruits should be poured with not boiling water, but hot water with a temperature of approximately 90 degrees. At the same time it is recommended to insist them for at least seven hours.

How to brew and how to drink fresh briars?



Fresh rose before brewing should be rinsed, dried and mashed a little with your hands or pierced in several places with a needle or toothpick. Be sure to withstand the brewing recommended proportions. For one part of fresh fruits should take the same amount of hot water. If there is a thermos bottle, we use it for the preparation of the infusion. In other cases, a pot for preparing a medicinal beverage may be a saucepan or a saucepan, and simply suitable for the volume of the pot. The chosen vessel is first rinsed with hot water (warm it), and then pour the dog-rose, add the necessary amount of boiled water, cover the vessel with a lid and thoroughly wrap it around for twelve hours. This method of brewing will replace the use of the thermos and will make it possible to obtain an identical beverage that is identical in taste and in the content of valuable properties.

Infusion of dog rose can be drunk instead of tea, adding honey to taste. To raise the immunity will be enough and two glasses a day. Drink it better half an hour before, or two hours after a meal. If the use of dog rose is aimed at suppressing any disease, then its quantity can vary from four to six glasses a day.

How to brew and how to drink dried rosehips?

Dried rosehips are brewed and drunk just like fresh. But in this case, to enhance the effect and obtain the most concentrated infusion, the fruits are often pre-ground. In this case, the infusion before use must necessarily be filtered through several layers of gauze to rid it of an admixture of villi, which in most cases irritates the throat and causes perspiration.