Diseases of hamsters

Hamsters are very mobile and lovely pets. Few people will stand before their charm. It really becomes sad when such a tiny creature has health problems. But the disease of hamsters is not uncommon and it is better to immediately prepare for possible difficulties before acquiring an animal. What diseases do hamsters have and how to recognize them?

Diseases of hamsters: symptoms

There are several common diseases of these small pets. We will analyze some diseases of hamsters and their reasons:

  1. Obesity. Symptoms of this disease of hamsters are quite recognizable: the animal is inactive, among its cohabitants is distinguished by the presence of excess weight. In fact, this disease is terrible consequences: a very heavy burden on the heart. Be sure to buy a wheel for your pet to run and try to limit it in the diet.
  2. Baldness. A distinctive feature of this disease is a clean and delicate skin without wool. When depriving the skin in the wound and changes color. And most often the cause of this disease of hamsters is a simple lack of vitamins. Be sure to buy in the pet store vitamins for your pet. Another cause of such alopecia can be the stress of the animal.
  3. The animal sneezes. It can be an allergy or pneumonia. To determine the exact cause, remember if you have recently purchased a new pet food or sawdust. Inflammation of the lungs is common among hamsters often, so the campaign to the vet will not be superfluous.
  4. Moisture in the tail area. Such a symptom may be a signal of an intestinal disorder. But apart from simple diarrhea, one should also suspect another very serious illness. Pay attention to such symptoms: loss of appetite, irritability, watery stools, periodic rectal bleeding and ruffled hair. "Wet tail" is a very dangerous disease for hamsters. If you do not treat it, the lethal outcome for the animal is guaranteed.
  5. Inflammation of cheek pouches. If a hamster tries to put something sharp on his cheek or there is a stiff food, inflammation can begin. Do not let it go, the disease itself will not pass. The veterinarian must remove the remains of food and treat everything with an antiseptic.
  6. Diseases of hamsters: eyes. On eye diseases we will stop in more detail, since this is a typical problem and is very common. Causes of the disease can be trauma to sawdust, infection, senile conjunctivitis, trauma after a fight. Symptoms of the onset of the disease can be the following symptoms:

Acquire the habit of inspecting the eyes of the pet every day. They should be clean and shiny. Dull and half-closed eyes are an alarming symptom. Be sure to take the animal to the vet. Try to place the cage in a dark place to ease the strain on the eyes.

It is necessary to isolate the sick hamster from the rest. All of his things and cage should be properly disinfected. Never do self-medication, it can become a deadly danger to the crumbs.

Particular attention to the first symptoms of the disease should be given to the owners of jungar hamsters. These hamsters are very brisk and quick, they can easily injure themselves or catch an infection. Never leave your pet alone outside the cage, hamsters are very clumsy creatures and fall from a height for them is a common thing. Even if they do not get serious injuries, they may die from shock. Be sure to contact specialists and do not treat the animal yourself, it can cost him his life.