Intrauterine synechiae

Synechia is a congenital or acquired fusion of a number of located organs or their surfaces with each other. Intrauterine synechiae are the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity.

Most often, the synechia develops after surgery in the uterine cavity, for example, after an abortion, polyps of the endometrium and other gynecological operations. Synechia can also result from intrauterine contraceptive use. Synechia in the uterine cavity can also develop due to infections and inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of intrauterine synechia

Often a woman may not know about the fusion in the uterus. The signs of this ailment are very similar to other women's diseases. Spikes are found in hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, sometimes ultrasound. Symptoms of the formation of synechia may be as follows:

Pregnancy with intrauterine synechiae is practically impossible, since it is difficult to attach the fetal egg to the uterine cavity. For the same reason, IVF surgery is often ineffective. Therefore, if there are alarming signs of the development of the disease, a woman should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis of the disease and receive appropriate treatment.

Treatment of intrauterine synechia

There are 3 degrees of development of uterine synechia:

  1. I degree - characterized by the presence of thin adhesions, the fallopian tubes are free, and less than ¼ of the uterine cavity is ligated.
  2. II degree - walls without adhesion, ¼ - ¾ of uterine cavity are fused, fallopian tubes are passable.
  3. III degree - more than ¾ of the uterus is fused, spikes are observed in the fallopian tubes.

Treatment of uterine synechia is possible only surgically. The nature of the operation depends on the degree of development of the disease. Separation of synechia is carried out under the supervision of ultrasound.