Motor aphasia

Motor aphasia is a condition in which the ability to use words to express thoughts is lost, that is, simply speaking, speech is disrupted. Speech activity is very important for a person and the appearance of such a violation can affect not only the physical, but also the psychological state of the patient, therefore the treatment of aphasia should be carried out immediately after its appearance.

Signs of motor aphasia

Motor aphasia develops when the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain is affected. Very often provokes the appearance of such a pathological process of stroke . But also the causes of motor aphasia can hide in severe head injuries.

In the mild form of this disease, patients often can make sentences, but they consist only of nouns or verbs, and the order of words and the use of their odds are violated. In this case, it is content with informative. If there is motor dynamic aphasia, then not only speech, but also reading, and writing can be broken.

In the severe course of a disease a person usually has so much disrupted speech function that he can only pronounce strange sounds or communicate with the words "yes" and "no." But here the speech addressed to him, he fully understands.

In some cases, patients with aphasia suffer not only from speech disorders, but also problems with emotional state. They can fall into depression , despair and often cry. This leads to complication of the disease, because people are reluctant to talk.

Treatment of motor aphasia

More often than not, the complete restoration of speech in motor aphasia, which was triggered by a serious craniocerebral injury or stroke, is very complicated and protracted. But properly conducted therapy can return communication skills.

If motor aphasia occurs after a stroke, then treatment should be started one week after the attack. To do this, the patient should talk daily, but not more than five minutes, gradually increasing the duration of classes.

With a mild violation of speech, it is necessary to speak with a person clearly, clearly, but only on those topics that cause positive emotions. Do not correct mistakes and do not try to dissuade from using gestures or facial expressions. With more severe aphasia, speech training with singing is the most effective, therefore:

  1. Sing the songs.
  2. Listen to different musical programs together.
  3. Encourage and stimulate the patient's attempts to sing or repeat the lyrics.

Never equate speech problems with mental retardation and do not talk to a person as with a mentally retarded or unintentional child.