Slag-free diet before colonoscopy, irrigoscopy and surgery - what can you eat?

There are a lot of nutrition techniques that are used for weight loss, quick recovery and for body cleansing. To improve and prepare for operations or diagnosis, a slag-free diet is ideal, which has its own rules and features.

Slag-free diet - description

The presented technique refers to therapeutic nutrition, whose task is to completely clean the digestive tract and the body as a whole. It happens in a short period of time. It is worthwhile to figure out what effect from the slag-free diet is worth waiting for:

  1. Improves overall well-being by helping to feel light. After such a diet, the working capacity of the brain increases.
  2. You can lose weight and get rid of puffiness due to excess water.
  3. From the body, slags, salts, toxins and other toxic substances are released.
  4. There are positive changes in the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

After the end of the slag-free diet, it is important to get out right out of it, otherwise you can do harm to your health. It is important to gradually introduce 1-2 new products into your menu, and do it no more often 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to continue to eat a few meals, drink plenty of water and not mix protein and carbohydrates in one dish. The best solution is to switch to proper nutrition , giving up oily, sweet, salty and other harmful foods.

Slag-free diet before colonoscopy

Before conducting an optical examination of the colon, doctors recommend that you sit on a diet. The purpose of food restrictions is to prepare the intestine for research in order to improve the results of the diagnosis and get a more realistic picture. It is important to know if you are observing a slag-free diet before colonoscopy, what you can eat. For 3-4 days it is necessary to completely exclude from the menu fresh fruit and vegetables, and also meat. It is best to eat lean broths and porridges cooked on the water these days, and drink mineral water and tea. On the eve of the evening before the procedure, it is recommended to completely stop eating.

Slag-free diet before irrigoscopy

X-ray can be performed only with complete cleansing of the intestine. In this case, the results of a slag-free diet, which involves the inclusion of manna and rice porridge, dietary varieties of meat in boiled form, light broths and sour-milk products, eggs, compote and tea. To enter such a diet is 48 hours before the procedure, and if there is constipation, then for 96 hours. In the evening before the irrigoscopy, it is allowed to eat food only in liquid form.

Slag-free diet before ultrasound of the abdominal cavity

For the most accurate result of ultrasound, it is recommended to withstand a diet whose main goal is to reduce gassing in the intestine. The last time you can eat no later than 6-8 hours before ultrasound. Avoid using the following foods: fresh vegetables and fruits, flour, fatty, legumes, sweets and dairy products, as they provoke excessive gas formation. It remains to find out what includes the slag-free diet, so it is recommended several days to eat lean meat, fish and cheese, boiled eggs and cereals.

Slag-free diet before operation

Prior to surgery, the patient should conduct a purification of the stomach and intestines. A slag-free diet should last a week, so that you can minimize the risk of complications and the occurrence of bouts of vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms due to anesthesia. For 12 hours before surgery, you need to stop eating, and in the first half of the day you can lean meats, boiled vegetables, bananas and porridge from white rice. Recommended and slag-free diet after surgery, which is important for rapid recovery of the body.

Slag-free diet - menu

For this method of nutrition, you need to choose low-calorie foods that are easily digested and absorbed by the body. It is important to know, sitting on a slag-free diet, what you can eat, and what are the rules:

  1. It is important to switch to a split meal , that is, during the day to eat in small portions and often. The weight of one serving should be about 300 g.
  2. The slag-free diet should last 3-7 days.
  3. Increase the amount of water consumed, so per day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters. Before each meal, be sure to drink 1 tbsp. water.
  4. A slag-free diet, the recipes of which should be simple and little component, for a good result prohibits mixing different types of foods, for example, meat and cereals.
  5. With the permission of the doctor to fill the lack of fat, every day it is worth adding a spoonful of vegetable oil in a dish.
  6. Allowed products should be cooked for a couple or boil, but fry is strictly prohibited.

Products for a slag-free diet

It is important to know what can and should be consumed to cleanse the body. Recipes for a slag-free diet should include only such products:

Slag-free diet - menu for 3 days

If you consider all the rules and know the list of allowed products, then you can think out the menu yourself. To understand what is with a low-fat diet, consider an approximate menu for three days:

  1. Day number 1 . In the morning a portion of lettuce from cabbage and beets is allowed, and in the afternoon - vegetable soup and boiled brown rice with jelly. The dinner menu includes steamed fish and salad leaves.
  2. Day number 2 . For breakfast you can have a souffle of cottage cheese and cold green tea. For lunch, cook 150 g of boiled veal and fresh juice. In the evening, eat lettuce and apple.
  3. Day number 3 . In the morning you can have a banana and drink water, and for the second breakfast - an apple. The lunch menu includes two bananas, and dinner - 400 g of berries.

Slag-free diet - contraindications

There are a number of disadvantages to this method of strict nutrition, which can not be overlooked. Many during a diet feel weakness and a headache, as the body is underfed by carbohydrates. Describing the disadvantages of a slag-free diet, it is worth noting that during its observance it will be necessary to constantly suffer from hunger, since the diet is low-calorie. Doctors point out that these disadvantages are the norm, as they signal that the body is cleaning. Contraindications slag diet are: