Bioarmification of the face

Those women who do not want to agree with nature and the natural process of aging, choose different procedures that turn the clock back. They created ideal conditions for plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, who vying to offer one after another methods of rejuvenation.

If earlier only elite and star representatives agreed to the correction of the face, today it is also available to women whose social status can be classified as "middle class". Thus, the accessibility of rejuvenation is becoming more and more global: the methods are varied, the prices for them eventually fall, when a more interesting and unusual novelty appears, and ladies who note their skin wilting, sagging oval and deep wrinkles , successfully use this opportunity.

Today we will talk about bio-reinforcement - what is the procedure, what effect does it give, and whether it should be used at all?

What is bioimaging?

Bioarmification is a non-surgical lifting from the inside. Cosmetologists use drugs that are injected into the skin with a needle on a certain path, and then the wrinkles are leveled.

If you expand the name of the procedure "on the shelves", then it turns out that with the help of the biomaterial, the face is reinforced - strengthening and lifting the oval.

Bioarchivation is carried out by hyaluronic acid, which eventually dissolves and is eliminated from the body. This means that over time, you may need to repeat the course of procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages of bio-threading

The following facts speak for "bio-reinforcement":

The following statements can say "against" bio-reinforcement:

Which areas can be "pulled up" with bio-reinforcement?

With the help of bio-reinforcement tighten:

What is the effect of the bioarmony of the face with threads?

When bioarmoring the effect is obvious - the skin really looks much younger, the wrinkles are smoothed either completely, or their depth significantly decreases, the face of the face looks taut and young. On average, the effect of rejuvenation is 5-8 years, if we evaluate how old the procedure is rejuvenated.

Bioarmification or biorevitalization - what's the difference?

In cosmetology, bioarming is used for more serious skin problems - the molecules of the injected substance are larger in size than in biorevitalization. If biorevitalization did not bring the desired effect, then bioarmoring is performed additionally. In fact, these are the same procedures - the difference is only in the molecular structure of the substance.

How is the skin bioregulated?

Carrying out bio-reinforcement requires preparation:

  1. To avoid bruising, doctors recommend taking dicinone several days before the procedure.
  2. To prevent complications in a few weeks, stop taking NSAIDs, vitamin E and anticoagulants.

Biorharming techniques:

  1. Application anesthesia.
  2. Marking the trajectory for injections.
  3. Disinfection of the skin.
  4. Carrying out the procedure.

To conduct bio-surgery, the optimal age is 40-50 years. After 50 the effectiveness of the procedure is significantly reduced.

Preparations for bio-reinforcement
