Loratadin - analogues

Loratadin refers to antihistamine drugs of the new generation, it is enough to take the drug once a day to completely rid itself of the manifestations of any allergy. The shortcomings of the funds can be attributed only to its relatively high cost. Perhaps it is better to replace Loratadin with analogs? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of antihistamines

When an allergy occurs, our body reacts by releasing histamine, a hormone produced by the body, but for the time being it does not manifest itself. Histamine, in turn, causes allergy symptoms, which are familiar to all of us:

Stop allergies can only be completely limited to contact with the allergen. If this is not possible, antihistamines are prescribed that block the H1 receptor and stop the release of histamine. As a result of the manifestations of allergy becomes less. Loratidine belongs to selective blockers of histamine of the third generation, this is a new medicine, which is one of the best for today. If you want to save money, you can use the usual Diazolinum or Suprastinum. However, in this case, do not blame the large number of side effects.

Analogs and Substitutes of Loratadine

Which is better - Loratadine or Suprastin?

To answer this question is not difficult, Loratadin repeatedly exceeds his older counterpart. However, if you tolerate suprastin well, it can be used. The drawbacks of this drug include the need to take it 3-4 times a day, as well as a strong sedative effect. It is undesirable to administer transport during suprastin therapy.

Which is better - Loratadin or Claritin?

Import drug Claritin is very fond of appointing doctors from private clinics. The effectiveness of the drug is indeed very high. In addition, it can be used during pregnancy, and this is important. But not everyone knows that Claritin is a synonym for Loratadin, these drugs have the same active substance. This means that the effect is identical. Despite the fact that the cost of Loratadin is also quite high, it is still significantly lower than that of Claritin, since the drug is produced by domestic factories.

Which is better - Loratadin or Tsetrin?

Cetrin is also a product of the latest developments, the effect of this drug is very strong - the effect can persist for three days. Also, like Loratadin, Cetrin blocks the H1 receptors responsible for the production of histamine, and it does this very quickly - 20 minutes after taking the pill. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, as well as not applicable for the treatment of children under 6 years of age.

Which is better - Loratadin or Cetirizin?

Cetirizine is a domestic analogue of the overseas Cetrin. The scheme of taking the drug, the indications for use and side effects are the same. The price is slightly lower. The pluses include the absence of detrimental effects on the respiratory system, which allows the use of the drug for bronchitis and inflammation. It is not recommended to use the remedy for gastrointestinal diseases.

Which is better - Loratadine or Diazolinum?

Diazoline is the most popular remedy for allergies, its can be found in almost every medicine cabinet. The use of pills is justified when you have minor symptoms, such as a runny nose. But if the desired effect is not achieved, it is better to give preference to a newer and more effective medicine. The following factors can be attributed to the shortcomings of Diazolin:

Which is better - Tavegil, or Loratadin?

Tavegil also refers to the drugs of the previous generation, but in comparison with Suprastin and Diazolin it is more effective. The drug should not be used by pregnant women.