James McAvoy gets divorced from Anne-Mary Duff because of a new hobby

On the Hollywood Olympus it became one pair less. The marriage of James McEvoy and Anne-Marie Duff, who met on the set of "Shameless", broke up shortly before the tenth anniversary of the wedding. Among the possible passions of the actor Jennifer Lawrence and Alexander Schipp.

Official statement

Fans of the family have no hope that this news will be a gossip, as the actors themselves announced this. The joint appeal of the star of the "X-Men" and his wife talks about the decision to annul their union. At the same time, the spouses are going to remain friends, respecting each other, caring for the common son of Brandon. Also 37-year-old McEvoy and 45-year-old Duff, who is older than the ex-lover for nine years, asked everyone to respect their choice.

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Discrepancy of graphs

As James McEvoy said, he wants to part with Anne-Mary because of his extreme employment, the inability to combine their work schedules. However, many people consider this reason to be just not a plausible ploy.

As the foreign press wrote, James was seriously taken by his colleague Jennifer Lawrence, with whom he worked on "The X-Men: The Apocalypse." It is seen that there is a spark between them. Even the spectators of Graham Norton's show, whose guests the other day became celebrities, in the framework of the advertising campaign for the new film, noticed that the actor is clearly not indifferent to the partner and flirts with her.

Another "suspect" - the 24-year-old actress Alexander Schipp, who performed in the "X-Men: Apocalypse" the role of Ooro Monroe.