How does the name affect a person's fate?

The fact that the name given to a person at birth greatly influences his future life, many know. It remains to find out whether the name affects the fate of a person. Many sciences were interested in this topic, but the most popular is the variant proposed by numerology. Specialists in this field argue that the surname is a numerical code in which the energy of previous generations is concluded.

How does the name affect a person's fate?

To understand the importance of having a proper surname, it is necessary to make a fairly simple calculation. In numerology, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a certain number. So, you just need to determine the correspondence for each letter, and then, find the total amount and read the value.

1 - A, I, C, b.

2 - B, Y, T, N.

3 - B, K, Y, L.

4 - D, L, F, E.

5 - D, M, X, Y.

6 - E, H, C, Y.

7 - E, O, C.

8 - F, P, W.

9 - З, Р, Щ.

So that everyone can cope with the calculations, let's look at an example: for Novikov's name, we get a value of 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4. An important clarification - if the result is 11, 22 and 33, then you do not need to add them, because they have their own meaning.

It remains to learn about the influence of the name on the fate of a person, after reading the value of the amount received:

1 - independent and persistent person, and all thanks to the enormous willpower and firm character. He can very quickly find the right solution in difficult situations, while taking responsibility.

2 - a calm and peaceful person who avoids conflicts and easily makes concessions. With him it is comfortable to work in a team.

3 - the person is open and friendly. He is endowed with a great sense of humor and creativity.

4 - a man organized and hardworking, who has good patience. In solving all issues, he takes into account all the opinions, calculating steps in advance.

5 - a man who is free and independent, who does not accept any framework or encroachments on freedom. He easily adapts to the new conditions, but at the same time he does not like routine.

6 - a person likes to find balance in everything, while being mundane and pragmatic. With other people, he interacts to get benefits.

7 - a person constantly strives for knowledge, and most importantly, easily assimilates information and correctly applies it. He is very attentive to details, and also has leading qualities.

8 - a person can earn and manage money correctly. He can reach great heights in business .

9 - an open, emotional and compassionate person. He likes to dream and difficult to make decisions, but at the same time easily adapts to the circumstances.

11 - a person has good organizational skills that help him inspire others to achieve goals. He is constantly looking for his way in life.

22 - a man of materialism with excellent managerial abilities. It is also worth noting his patience and endurance.

33 - a person is an excellent mentor who has an insistent character that helps to achieve the goal. He is benevolent and open.

Does fate change when you change your last name?

Many women before the wedding think about changing the name about how this will change life. It is believed that even after the wedding, the old surname continues to influence the person, and the new supplements and corrects life, both in the positive and in the negative. Understanding how the change of the surname affects the fate of a person, it should be said that we need to compare the new and old values. Well, if the new surname balances the shortcomings of the past, for example, there has been a change from five to two, that is, a woman from a lover of independent life will become an excellent partner. If the unit is replaced by a nine, the new life will become more complicated. If you are interested in how to choose the right surname to change the fate, then also make similar comparisons and look for the most suitable option for yourself.