Jealousy is a sign of love?

Is jealousy a sign of love or mistrust, it is probably difficult to say. In fact, in this feeling everything is mixed: both love , and mistrust, and the dominant property. In addition, the entire set is very often based on an underestimated self-esteem and an inferiority complex.

Jealous, then love?

Confident and self-aware people, jealousy is usually inherent in a lesser degree. Moreover, sometimes they perceive the presence of a potential opponent (or rival) as a challenge and this is for them a stimulating factor for external and internal self-improvement.

In the people there is an opinion that jealousy is a sign of love. This is true, but only to some extent. We are jealous only of those who, at a subconscious level, we consider to be our property, and regardless of the strength of the feeling of love, in fact, we feel towards these people, although naturally, the stronger the love, the more painful will be the feelings of jealousy.

Total control

Jealousy, by definition, is considered destructive. In particular, this aspect is noticeable in individuals who suffer from low self-esteem, who are trying their best to ensure that the object of their attachment is constantly in sight or within the reach of every minute of cellular communication. Total control over the actions of the lover is necessary for them, like the air, because deep in the subconscious they feel that they are not competitive enough with respect to their various data, be it appearance or a level of spiritual and intellectual development and mistakenly believe that the steel The chain of control that they are trying to tie to their beloved person is a guarantee that he will not go anywhere. And the stronger this confidence in them, the more painful is the disappointment from the moment when the links of such a chain are torn and the object of love disappears from their life forever.

So, completely consider jealousy as a sign of love, probably not quite right. First of all, it is necessary to understand what negative personal characteristics cause it in each individual case. Especially dangerous are the manifestations of pathological jealousy, which is based on certain mental deviations from the norm and should be dealt with directly by a specialist psychiatrist.