Why do people fall in love?

Human relations is one of the most fascinating and limitless topics of study, and the greatest interest is caused by love experiences. Where do men and women get attracted, why do people fall in love with each other? Is it worth it to blame the instinct of reproduction or explain the close relationship of one animal to the premises is impossible?

Why do people fall in love with each other?

  1. Chemistry . During love, the body produces hormones that give a sense of happiness . It is only natural that the body will try to find a way to get its dose of joy again.
  2. Similarity . Men, answering the question why they fall in love with a particular type of women, often admit that the matter is in the presence of the features that their mother possessed. The same applies to the beautiful sex, unconsciously the girls are looking for in the guys the recognizable qualities of their father.
  3. Circumstances . Often, love overtakes after many years of friendship, and sometimes the awakening of warm feelings is facilitated by the joint passage through problematic situations or simply a strong fright.
  4. Conformity . The researchers found out that subconsciously we choose partners that are roughly on the same level with us: intellectual, material, social.
  5. Instinct . Many people try to explain why people fall in love, only with this point. The truth is there, as the probability of successful abandonment in a state of love is higher for understandable reasons.
  6. The general plans . If the two see a joint future, then the feelings are likely to manifest immediately.
  7. Talent . Stories about falling in love with an actor or a singer have been overwhelmed by many, but this also happens to those who do not flash on the screens. Perfectly honed skill in any field can become a reason for love.
  8. Low self-esteem . The presence of a partner hints at success at least in some part of life, so insecure people try to fall in love at any price. Often these feelings are coined, unrequited or directed at an absolutely unsuitable person.

Probably, tireless researchers will soon find many more reasons for gentle feelings, we just have to continue to fall in love, which is also not bad.